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Oklahoma Department of Corrections

Founded in 1967, the Oklahoma Department of Corrections (ODOC) is responsible for persons sentenced to felony offenses. ODOC houses approximately 22,000 individuals across 22 state-operated prisons, two contracted private prisons, six community reentry centers, and one contracted community reentry center. Probation and Parole supervises approximately 21,000 offenders living in 77 counties.

ODOC provides rehabilitation, substance abuse treatment, and education services to ensure incarcerated Oklahomans contribute to their communities—both inside and outside agency walls. ODOC employs 3,600 Oklahomans whose mission is to protect the public, the employees, the inmates, and the offenders.

Number of Employees (Headcount)

Year-over-Year Expenditure Comparison By Fund Type

FY 2024 Q3 YTD Expenditures by Statewide Program

Last Modified on Apr 11, 2024