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Department of Transportation

Founded in 1911 as the Oklahoma Highway Department, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation serves as the agency responsible for planning, designing, constructing, operating and maintaining Oklahoma’s highway-based transportation infrastructure. This includes the non-toll interstate system, the U.S. highway system and the state highway system along with management of the state-owned railroads. Additionally, ODOT assists local governments in administering programs to improve their local road systems. ODOT administers other multimodal programs including freight rail, passenger rail, public transit and the promotion and coordination with the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System (MKARNS), Oklahoma’s inland waterway.

Number of Employees (Headcount)

Year-over-Year Expenditure Comparison By Fund Type

FY 2024 Q3 YTD Expenditures by Statewide Program

Last Modified on Apr 11, 2024