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APA WF 22-14 Coverage for Donor Human Breast Milk 

This benefit will be added as a new service and will be covered under the Medical Suppliers section of policy. These rules will outline medical necessity, provider qualifications, coverage, and reimbursement for donor human breast milk.  Further proposed revisions to the Enteral Nutrition section of policy will remove human breast milk as a non-covered item.

Please view the circulation document here: APA WF # 22-14 and submit feedback via the comment box below.

Circulation Date: 08/16/2022

Comment Due Date: 08/31/2022

Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) Meeting: 09/08/2022

Board Meeting: 09/21/2022


Pamela Denton:

The coverage of donor human breastmilk is imperative for the health of newborns who are compromised and cannot have their on mother’s milk. Please approve this benefit.

OHCA Response:

Thank you for your comment. The OHCA takes every comment under consideration and advisement. 

Jayme Provine:

I’m a lactation consultant and see the need for this coverage.  Many babies need the benefits of breast milk that their mothers cannot provide for them.

OHCA Response:

Thank you for your comment. The OHCA takes every comment under consideration and advisement. 

Last Modified on Sep 02, 2022