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Audio-Only Health Service Delivery (APA WF 23-14 & OK SPA 23-0025)

The proposed policy revisions allow for audio only service delivery for medically necessary covered primary care and other approved health services. Audio-only telecommunications delivery means healthcare services delivered through the use of audio-only technology, permitting real-time communication between a patient and the provider, for the purpose of diagnosis, consultation, or treatment, and does not include the use of facsimile or email nor the delivery of health care services that are customarily delivered by audio-only technology and customarily not billed as separate services by the provider, such as the sharing of laboratory results.  

Please view the circulation document here: APA WF # 23-14

Please view the draft SPA pages here: OK SPA 23-0025

Feedback may be submitted via the comment box.

Circulation Date: 4/28/23

60-day Tribal Consultation Period: 04/28/23 – 06/27/23

Tribal Consultation: 5/2/23

Comment Due Date: 5/13/23

Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) Meeting: 9/7/23

Board Meeting: 9/20/23



Glad to hear that OHCA has recognized the benefit in extending telephonic encounters post PHE. This has been really beneficial for certain patients who are unable to make it to the clinic. Many people in remote/underserved areas can't use video telehealth software from home (due to poor internet connection, not able to afford a computer or phone that will work with the software, etc.).

Without this telephone option, they would likely not receive (or would severely delay) care. In my view, this decision really moves the needle on "health equity".


Thank you for extending audio-only service delivery for individual psychotherapy. It has been an invaluable option for consumers during the past three years of the pandemic. Please include the audio-only method option for the delivery of family psychotherapy as well. Many parents and caregivers have not been able to acquire and/or maintain the operation of appropriate technology for face-to-face telehealth services. Some parents and caregivers also continue to find it a struggle to arrange timely transportation and appropriate childcare that would allow for consistent and effective in-person visits. Thus, it is essential to extend the audio-only service delivery option to families in order to provide efficient, effective care for Oklahoma's most vulnerable and at risk populations.


AARP Oklahoma supports audio-only and telehealth service coverage to enhance access to quality care, particularly for those who face barriers when seeking in-person care. The service can be even more pronounced for older adults and other members of underserved or rural communities or those with disabilities or physical limitations – all of whom may face added barriers to care and may have to travel further or incur additional costs when seeking in-person care and particularly when it comes to specialty care. Audio and telehealth provisions also benefit family caregivers who balance caregiving with other responsibilities (particularly for those caregivers who work or are long-distance caregivers).


Thank you for extending audio-only service delivery for individual psychotherapy. It has been an invaluable option for consumers during the past three years of the pandemic. Please include the audio-only method option for the delivery of family psychotherapy as well. Many parents and caregivers have not been able to acquire and/or maintain the operation of appropriate technology for face-to-face telehealth services. Some parents and caregivers also continue to find it a struggle to arrange timely transportation and appropriate childcare that would allow for consistent and effective in-person visits. Thus, it is essential to extend the audio-only service delivery option to families in order to provide efficient, effective care for Oklahoma's most vulnerable and at risk populations.

Last Modified on May 26, 2023