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APA WF # 24-22 High Acuity Tracheostomy Rate for Nursing Facilities

The Oklahoma Health Care Authority is proposing an emergency rule revision to establish criteria for high-acuity tracheostomy patients residing in a nursing facility. Facilites that serve these members will be eligible for an add-on rate, subject to additional provisions.  The rate and methodology are being developed and will be posted as soon as they're available. 

Please view the draft regulatory text here: APA WF # 24-22 and submit feedback via the comment box.

Circulation Date: 8/30/2024

Tribal Consultation: 09/03/2024

Medical Advisory Committee: September 12, 2024

Comment Due Date: 09/14/2024

OHCA Board: September 17, 2024

Rules Effective Date: 10/01/2024 or Immediately Upon Governor’s Approval, whichever is later

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Last Modified on Sep 03, 2024