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APA WF# 24-25 Psychological Testing Limit Increase - The Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) has requested an emergency rule change to increase the initial limit on psychological testing hours from eight (8) hours to ten (10) hours. This change will allow for coverage of testing to allow adequate hours for most instruments. Providers may still request an additional (6) hours for complex testing, bringing the total to sixteen (16) hours.

Please view the draft rule revisions here: APA WF # 24-25

Feedback may be submitted via the comment box.

Proposed Policy Timeline:

Tribal Consultation: 9/3/2024

Tribal Consultation Period: 8/23/2024 – 10/22/2024

Circulation Date: 8/23/2024

Comment Due Date: 9/7/24

Effective Date: Upon Governor's approval

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Please note that all comments must be reviewed and approved prior to posting. Approved comments will be posted Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Any comments received after 4 p.m. will be posted on the following business day.



As a provider who conducts autism testing most days, I highly recommend approval. Many children with complex developmental needs need additional time and support for the testing provider to get adequate information, direct observation, and spend time explaining treatment options to families.

OHCA Response: Thank you for your feedback. 


As a pediatric psychologist, I support this increase to provide more comprehensive testing services for children with complex medical and mental health needs.

OHCA Response: Thank you, OHCA values your feedback. 


I support the increase to 10 hours for psychological testing to allow for adequate time for testing, interpretation, and report writing. This is much more realistic.

OHCA Response: Thank you, OHCA values your feedback. 

Dr. Cody Commander

I support this decision and view it as a critical and urgent need to help meet the mental health needs of Oklahoma citizens.

OHCA Response: Thank you for your feedback. 

Dr. Joaquin Laws-Rodriguez

The increase in psychological testing hours for psychologists will allow for more opportunity and greater coverage in the ability to identify, diagnose, and treat a range of issues within the OKHCA populations. The previous, arbitrary testing limits not only restricted the psychologist's ability to help those in need, but also created a burden for patients seeking services.

OHCA Response: Thank you for your feedback. 


Time limit increases for psychological testing are absolutely necessary. The typical time it takes to design an assessment, administer, score assessment outcomes, interpret information, write a report, and provide feedback on outcomes can be anywhere from 12 - 18 hours. Psychologists have been underpaid for these services for years making providers less likely to accept Medicaid, thus the long waiting lists for Medicaid clients to see a Psychologist (many report to me waiting lists of 1 year or more). I appreciate the consideration of increasing the testing limits as perhaps it would entice more providers to accept Medicaid and keep those who already work with this population of people who are in dire need of services.

OHCA Response: Thank you, OHCA values your feedback. 

Dr. Gant Ward

We need this psychological testing limit increase to answer the complex questions psychologists are asked. Without the limit increase we are often not able to full examine a patient, especially if it is a neuropsychological case referred from a neurologist, ADHD, or autism. Thank you.

OHCA Response: Thank you, OHCA values your feedback. 

Jennifer M. Steber, Ph.D.

I support the increase of limits on psychological testing hours from 8 to 10 hours, in order to allow psychologists adequate time to complete testing.

OHCA Response: Thank you for your feedback. 

Last Modified on Sep 07, 2024