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OHCA Policies and Rules

317:35-11-1. Grants and local projects

[Issued 07-14-95]

(a) Program development grants/contracts. Periodically, as funds are available and based upon the programmatic needs of the Oklahoma Health Care Authority, OHCA announces a Request for Proposals (RFP) to offer grants/contracts for limited demonstrations of, or technical assistance in Medicaid programming.

(1) The design and development of the RFP's specifications will optimally meet the following cost containment and programmatic goals:

(A) Medicaid cost containment.
(B) Maximum services for dollars expended.
(C) Maximum quality for dollars expended.
(D) Minimize administrative costs.

(2) Proposals for limited demonstrations projects or models may generally be constrained by one or more of the following factors; recipient category type, specific facility type, specific Medicaid treatment protocols, geographic area, or by service delivery methodology, as determined appropriate to best accomplish the objectives and interest of the OHCA. Limited demonstration grants will allow the OHCA to study the feasibility of alternative medical programming for the purposes of state-wide implementation. Notification of the OHCA's intention to request proposals will be announced in the "Oklahoma Register" and/or local newspapers and/or through invitations to bid. Notification will occur at least one month prior to the due date for proposals.

(b) Selection process. Each RFP will be evaluated by an RFP selection panel. The panel will consist of OHCA personnel, and when appropriate other DHS personnel, and/or OHCA consultants. Proposals will be scored by panel members. Objective scoring criteria to evaluate the merit of the RFP will be developed prior to the receipt of proposals. Scoring criteria will be weighted based upon those factors deemed essential for successful demonstration and evaluation of the RFP objective's. Where appropriate, part of the evaluation may include a site visit on all proposals scoring 80% or more. Organization, knowledge, and advanced planning, will be evaluated prior to OHCA recommendations for award of contracts.

(c) Monitoring of grants/contracts awards. Grants will be monitored by OHCA staff through one or more of the following methods; monthly claims, periodic site visits, audits, performance reports, and/or time tables for deliverables as specified in the grant.

(d) Renewal of grants/contracts. Grants/Contracts will be awarded on a 12 month basis, and must be renewed annually thereafter subject to availability of funding and a OHCA approved project budget. Grantees must submit the required application materials to the OHCA by a due date to be determined annually. Renewals will be awarded only when a grantee has met the previous year's contractual obligations as determined by monitoring throughout the year and the annual performance evaluation submitted to the OHCA Contracts Unit. Renewal contracts will not change the RFP scope other than those changes necessitated due to the availability of funds, or OHCA approved modifications required to accomplish the objectives of the original agreement.

Disclaimer. The OHCA rules found on this Web site are unofficial. The official rules are published by the Oklahoma Secretary of State Office of Administrative Rules as Title 317 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code. To order an official copy of these rules, contact the Office of Administrative Rules at (405) 521-4911.