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OHCA Policies and Rules

317:30-3-42. Services in a Nursing Facility (NF)

[Revised 6-25-12]

Nursing facility services are those services furnished pursuant to a physician's orders which require the skills of technical or professional personnel, e.g., registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists or audiologists. This care is provided by nursing facilities licensed under State law to provide, on a regular basis, health related care and services to individuals who do not require hospitalization but whose physical or mental condition requires care and services above the level of room and board which can be made available to them only through a nursing facility.

(1) To be eligible for nursing facility services the individual must:

(A) Require a treatment plan involving the planning and administration of services which require skills of licensed technical or professional personnel that are provided directly or under the supervision of such personnel and are prescribed by the physician;

(B) Have a physical impairment or combination of physical and mental impairments;

(C) Require professional nursing supervision (medication, hygiene and dietary assistance);

(D) Lack the ability to care for self or communicate needs to others; and

(E) Require medical care and treatment in a nursing facility to minimize physical health regression and deterioration. A physician's order and results from a standardized assessment which evaluates type and degree of disability and need for treatment must support the individual's need for NF level of care. Only standardized assessments approved by the OHCA and administered in accordance with Medicaid approved procedures shall be used to make the NF level of care determination.

(2) If the individual experiences mental illness or an intellectual disability or a related condition, payment cannot be made for services in a nursing facility unless the individual has been assessed through the Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) process and the appropriate MR or MI authority has determined that nursing facility services are required. If it is determined that the patient also requires specialized services, the state must provide or arrange for the provision of such services. These determinations must be made prior to the patient's admission to the nursing facility.

(3) Payment cannot be made for an individual who is actively psychotic or capable of imminent harm to self or others (i.e., suicidal or homicidal).

(4) Payment is made to licensed nursing facilities that have agreements with the Authority.

Disclaimer. The OHCA rules found on this Web site are unofficial. The official rules are published by the Oklahoma Secretary of State Office of Administrative Rules as Title 317 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code. To order an official copy of these rules, contact the Office of Administrative Rules at (405) 521-4911.