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OHCA Policies and Rules

317:30-5-96.3. Methods of payment

[Revised 09-01-21]

(a) Reimbursement.

(1) Covered inpatient psychiatric chemical dependency detoxification/withdrawal management services will be reimbursed using one (1) of the following methodologies:

(A) Diagnosis related group (DRG);

(B) Cost-based; or

(C) A predetermined per diem payment.

(2) For members twenty-one (21) to sixty-four (64) years of age, payment shall not be made for any inpatient psychiatric episodes over sixty (60) days in a facility that qualifies as an IMD.

(b) Levels of care.

(1) Acute.

(A) Payment will be made to psychiatric units within general medical surgical hospitals and critical access hospitals utilizing a DRG methodology. [See OAC 317:30-5-41]. Psychiatric professional (physicians and psychologists) services provided in conjunction with the inpatient stay are separately payable from the DRG paid to the hospital;

(B) Payment will be made to psychiatric hospitals utilizing a predetermined statewide per diem payment for all facility services provided during the inpatient stay. Psychiatric professional (physicians and psychologists) services provided in conjunction with the inpatient stay are separately payable from the per diem paid to the hospital. Rates vary for public and private providers.

(2) Acute II.

(A) Payment will be made to in-state psychiatric hospitals or inpatient psychiatric programs utilizing a predetermined all-inclusive per diem payment for routine, ancillary, and professional services.

(B) Public facilities will be reimbursed using either the statewide or facility-specific interim rates and settled to total allowable costs as determined by analyses of the cost reports (Form CMS 2552) filed with the OHCA.

(3) PRTFs.

(A) A pre-determined per diem payment will be made to private PRTFs with sixteen (16) beds or less for routine services. All other services are separately billable.

(B) A predetermined all-inclusive per diem payment will be made for routine, ancillary, and professional services to private facilities with more than sixteen (16) beds.

(C) Public facilities will be reimbursed using either the statewide or facility-specific interim rates and settled to total allowable costs as determined by analyses of the cost reports (Form CMS 2552) filed with the OHCA.

(c) Out-of-state services.

(1) Border and "border status" placements. Facilities are reimbursed in the same manner as in-state hospitals or PRTFs. Refer to OAC 317:30-3-90 and 317:30-3-91.

(2) Out-of-state placements. In the event comparable services cannot be purchased from an Oklahoma facility and the current payment levels are insufficient to obtain access for the member, the OHCA may negotiate a predetermined, all-inclusive per diem rate for specialty programs/units. An incremental payment adjustment may be made for one (1): one (1) staffing (if clinically appropriate and prior authorized). Payment may be up to, but no greater, than usual and customary charges. The one (1): one (1) staffing adjustment is limited to sixty (60) days annually. Refer to OAC 317:30-3-90 and 317:30-3-91.

(d) Add-on payments.

(1) Additional payment shall only be made for services that have been prior authorized by OHCA or its designee and determined to be medically necessary. For medical necessity criteria applicable for the add-on payment(s), refer to the SoonerCare Medical Necessity Criteria Manual for Inpatient Behavioral Health Services found on the OHCA website.

(2) SoonerCare shall provide additional payment for the following services rendered in an Acute II and PRTF, as per the Oklahoma Medicaid State Plan.

(A) Intensive treatment services (ITS) add-on.  Payment shall be made for members requiring intensive staffing supports.

(B) Prospective complexity add-on.  Payment shall be made to recognize the increased cost of serving members with a mental health diagnosis complicated with non-verbal communication.

(C) Specialty add-on.  Payment shall be made to recognize the increased cost of serving members with complex needs.

(e) Services provided under arrangement.

(1) Case management transitioning services.

(A) Services for the provision of case management transitioning services to existing members are considered to be inpatient psychiatric services, when services exceed and do not duplicate ordinary inpatient discharge planning during the last thirty (30) days of a covered acute or residential stay.

(B) Payment for case management transitioning services provided under arrangement with the inpatient provider will be directly reimbursed to a qualified community-based provider.

(2) Evaluation and psychological testing by a licensed psychologist.

(A) Services for the provision of evaluation and psychological testing by a licensed psychologist to existing members are considered to be inpatient psychiatric services, when services exceed and do not duplicate ordinary inpatient discharge planning during the last thirty (30) days of a covered acute or residential stay.

(B) Payment for evaluation and psychological testing by a licensed psychologist for services provided under arrangement with the inpatient provider will be directly reimbursed to a qualified provider in accordance with the Oklahoma Medicaid State Plan.

Disclaimer. The OHCA rules found on this Web site are unofficial. The official rules are published by the Oklahoma Secretary of State Office of Administrative Rules as Title 317 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code. To order an official copy of these rules, contact the Office of Administrative Rules at (405) 521-4911.