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OHCA Policies and Rules

317:30-5-1. Eligible providers

[Revised 07-01-09]

To allow patients free choice of physicians, the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) recognizes all licensed medical and osteopathic physicians as being eligible to receive payment for compensable medical services rendered in behalf of a person eligible for such care in accordance with the rules and regulations covering the Authority's medical care programs. Payment will be made to fully licensed physicians who are participating in medical training programs as students, interns, residents, or fellows, or in any other capacity in training for services outside the training setting and are not in a duplicative billing situation. In addition, payment will be made to the employing facility for services provided by physicians who meet all requirements for employment by the Federal Government as a physician and are employed by the Federal Government in an IHS facility or who provide services in a 638 Tribal Facility. Payment will not be made to a provider who has been suspended or terminated from participation in the program.

(1) Payment to physicians under SoonerCare is made for services clearly identifiable as personally rendered services performed on behalf of a specific patient. There are no exceptions to personally rendered services unless specifically set out in coverage guidelines.

(2) Payment is made to the attending physician in a teaching medical facility for compensable services when he/she signs as claimant, and renders personal and identifiable services to the patient in conformity with Federal regulations.

(3) Payment is made to a physician for medically directing the    services of a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) at a rate of 50% of the physician allowable for anesthesia services. 

(4) Payment is made to a physician for the direct supervision of  an Anesthesiologist Assistant (AA) at a rate of 50% of thephysician allowable for anesthesia services. Direct supervision means the on-site, personal supervision by an anesthesiologist who is present in the office, or is present in the surgical or  obstetrical suite when the procedure is being performed and who is in all instances immediately available to provide assistance  and direction to the AA while anesthesia services are being performed. 

Disclaimer. The OHCA rules found on this Web site are unofficial. The official rules are published by the Oklahoma Secretary of State Office of Administrative Rules as Title 317 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code. To order an official copy of these rules, contact the Office of Administrative Rules at (405) 521-4911.