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OHCA Policies and Rules

317:30-5-9. Medical services

[Revised 09-01-21]

(a) Use of medical modifiers.  The physicians' Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and the second level Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) provide for 2-digit medical modifiers to further describe medical services. Modifiers are used when appropriate.

(b) Covered office services.

(1) Payment is made for four (4) office visits (or home) per month per member, for adults [over age twenty-one (21)], regardless of the number of physicians involved. Additional visits per month are allowed for services related to emergency medical conditions.

(2) Visits for the purpose of family planning are excluded from the four (4) per month limitation.

(3) Payment is allowed for the insertion and/or implantation of contraceptive devices in addition to the office visit.

(4) Separate payment will be made for the following supplies when furnished during a physician's office visit.

(A) Casting materials;

(B) Dressing for burns;

(C) Contraceptive devices; and

(D) IV fluids.

(5) Medically necessary office lab and X-rays are covered.

(6) Hearing exams by physician for members between the ages of twenty one (21) and sixty five (65) are covered only as a diagnostic exam to determine type, nature and extent of hearing loss.

(7) Hearing aid evaluations are covered for members under twenty one (21) years of age.

(8) IPPB (Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing) is covered when performed in physician's office.

(9) Payment is made for an office visit in addition to allergy testing.

(10) Separate payment is made for antigen.

(11) Eye exams are covered for members between ages twenty one (21) and sixty five (65) for medical diagnosis only.

(12) If a physician personally sees a member on the same day as a dialysis treatment, payment can be made for a separately identifiable service unrelated to the dialysis.

(13) Separate payment is made for the following specimen collections:

(A) Catheterization for collection of specimen; and

(B) Routine venipuncture.

(14) The Professional Component for electrocardiograms, electroencephalograms, electromyograms, and similar procedures are covered on an inpatient basis as long as the interpretation is not performed by the attending physician.

(15) Cast removal is covered only when the cast is removed by a physician other than the one who applied the cast.

(16) Payment may be made for medication-assisted treatment (MAT) medications prescribed and/or administered by a physician.

(c) Non-covered office services.

(1) Payment is not made separately for an office visit and rectal exam, pelvic exam or breast exam. Office visits including one of these types of exams should be coded with the appropriate office visit code.

(2) Payment cannot be made for prescriptions or medication dispensed by a physician in his office.

(3) Payment will not be made for completion of forms, abstracts, narrative reports or other reports, separate charge for use of office or telephone calls.

(4) Additional payment will not be made for mileage.

(5) Payment is not made for an office visit where the member did not keep appointment.

(6) Refractive services are not covered for persons between the ages of twenty-one (21) and sixty-five (65).

(7) Removal of stitches is considered part of post-operative care.

(8) Payment is not made for a consultation in the office when the physician also bills for surgery.

(9) Separate payment is not made for oxygen administered during an office visit.

(d) Covered inpatient medical services.

(1) Payment is allowed for inpatient hospital visits for all SoonerCare covered admissions. Psychiatric admissions must be prior authorized.

(2) Payment is allowed for the services of two physicians when supplemental skills are required and different specialties are involved.

(3) Certain medical procedures are allowed in addition to office visits.

(4) Payment for critical care is all-inclusive and includes payment for all services that day. Payment for critical care, first hour is limited to one unit per day.

(e) Non-covered inpatient medical services.

(1) For inpatient services, all visits to a member on a single day are considered one service except where specified. Payment is made for only one (1) visit per day.

(2) A hospital admittance or visit and surgery on the same day would not be covered if post-operative days are included in the surgical procedure. If there are no post-operative days, a physician can be paid for visits.

(3) Drugs administered to inpatients are included in the hospital payment.

(4) Payment will not be made to a physician for an admission or new patient work-up when the member receives surgery in out-patient surgery or ambulatory surgery center.

(5) Payment is not made to the attending physician for interpretation of tests on his own patient.

(f) Other medical services.

(1) Payment will be made to physicians providing Emergency Department services.

(2) Payment is made for two (2) nursing facility visits per month. The appropriate CPT code is used.

(3) When payment is made for evaluation of arrhythmias or evaluation of sinus node, the stress study of the arrhythmia includes inducing the arrhythmia and evaluating the effects of drugs, exercise, etc. upon the arrhythmia.

(4) When the physician bills twice for the same procedure on the same day, it must be supported by a written report.

Disclaimer. The OHCA rules found on this Web site are unofficial. The official rules are published by the Oklahoma Secretary of State Office of Administrative Rules as Title 317 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code. To order an official copy of these rules, contact the Office of Administrative Rules at (405) 521-4911.