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State Planning Grant

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) granted $874,360 to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to assure broader access to health insurance for Oklahoma workers. With these funds we have developed the Oklahoma State Planning Grant (SPG) that is projected to bring health care coverage to approximately 70,000 of Oklahoma workers.


Most people in Oklahoma without health insurance are low income working adults: 71 percent work full-time or have a member of a household who works full-time, and another 13 percent work part-time. According to the 2004 Community Action Project, there are at least three reasons why these workers are not being insured at their place of employment:

  • the employer may not offer an insurance plan;
  • the employee may not be eligible for a plan even if one is offered;
  • and the employee may not participate in a plan even if he or she is eligible.