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Jennifer Hankins
Contract Compliance Manager

Jennifer Hankins was named the Oklahoma Department of Transportation Contract Compliance Division Manager in February 2022.

Prior to her current post, Hankins served as the Procurement Division Manager beginning in 2017, and the Purchasing Branch Manager beginning in 2013. She has also held positions in the Transit and Comptroller Divisions in her career with the Department.

Hankins is a member of the Oklahoma Association of Public Procurement, and NIGP – The Institute for Public Procurement.

She attended the University of Central Oklahoma. She and her husband, Stephen, have six children and four grandchildren. She currently reside in Oklahoma City.


Mailing Address:      Oklahoma Dept. of Transportation, Contract Compliance

                                 200 NE 21st St

Location:                  Room 1-C1

Telephone:               (405) 521-3186

Last Modified on Jul 22, 2024
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