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Agricultural Workers Program

Employers who aren't able to fill temporary Agricultural positions can receive assistance to find workers locally, nationally or internationally

Agricultural employers who anticipate or experience a shortage of workers for temporary, seasonal work can receive assistance with recruiting through OESC.

To get started, employers are encouraged to submit an electronic application through the U.S. Department of Labor's (USDOL) Foreign Labor Application Gateway (FLAG) system. It is recommended to have job orders filed through the FLAG system accompanied with a "H-2A Agricultural Clearance Order" (Form ETA-790). 

After having applications processed, OESC will assist employers with recruiting workers by posting job the job order online and helping search for candidates. Recruiting efforts start locally, but will expand to statewide and nationwide as needed. If able, willing and qualified U.S. workers are not available, then recruitment efforts will expand to include temporary (i.e., non-immigrant) foreign workers.

Learn more about this program and the steps involved on USDOL's H-2A Temporary Agricultural Program webpage.

Get started with agricultural recruitment assistance through the FLAG system. 

For questions about foreign labor certifications and the H-2A program, email

Get Started Early

Employers must submit applications through the FLAG system 60-75 days prior to the expected start date of the job. To be best prepared, it is recommended to gather all the necessary information as soon as possible to be ready to submit within the designated window. Once an application is submitted and processed, it is possible that U.S. workers may be recruited prior to the 75 day mark, but the job will not be made available to non-U.S. workers before the 75 day mark.