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Holiday notice: OESC offices will be closed Monday, September 2 for Labor Day. Weekly benefit payments and automatic transfers may be delayed due to bank closures during the holiday.

Current Labor Market Conditions

Employment vs. Unemployment

July 2024: Oklahoma's unemployment rate increased to a seasonally adjusted 3.5 percent while nonfarm payroll employment shed 2,300 jobs (-0.1 percent) over the month.

Read the current Statewide Employment and Unemployment Report.

More state and local unemployment rate data: Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS).

More state and local employment data: Current Employment Statistics (CES).

State Unemployment Rates

In July, unemployment rates were higher in 13 states, lower in 1 state, and stable in 36 states, including Oklahoma, and the District of Columbia.

Read the full July 2024 Statewide Employment and Unemployment Report.

Full page PDF Maps including Current Rates, Rolling 12-Month Averages, Over-the- Month Change, and Over-the-Year Change.

More state and local area unemployment rate data: Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS).

County Unemployment Rates

July 2024: Jobless rates were higher than a year earlier in 73 counties, lower in 3 counties and unchanged in 1 county.

Read the full July 2024 Metropolitan Area and County Employment and Unemployment Report.

Full page PDF Maps include Current Rates, Rolling 12-Month Averages, Over-the-Month Change, and Over-the-Year Change.

More local area unemployment rate data: Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS).

Job Openings vs. Unemployment

June 2024: Oklahoma's number of job openings and the number of unemployed persons was little changed over the month.

In June, job openings rates increased in 2 states, decreased in 2 states, and were little changed in 46 states including Oklahoma and the District of Columbia. Over the month, the national job openings rate was little changed.

Oklahoma’s job openings rate decreased 0.3 percentage point to 5.6 percent in June. Over the month, the national job openings rate was unchanged at 4.9 percent.

Job openings data was gathered from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) and unemployment data from Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS).

Last Modified on Aug 28, 2024
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