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Library: Policy

340:75-6-85.6. Voluntary foster care for a child born to a youth in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) custody

Revised 7-1-13

     Voluntary foster care is available for a child born to a minor parent in Oklahoma Department of Human Services custody when the child can reside safely with the minor parent.     • 1


Revised 9-14-24

1. Voluntary placement of infant or child by minor parent.  When a youth in Oklahoma Human Services (OKDHS) custody gives birth to a child, the minor parent is allowed to make the decision regarding the infant's placement.  When the minor parent is unable or unwilling to participate in appropriate planning for the child, OKDHS requests legal custody of the infant through the district attorney's office to allow OKDHS to care and plan for the child.  If an infant does not enter OKDHS legal custody but continues to reside with the minor parent that is in OKDHS custody, the resource family may be eligible to receive Supportive Maintenance Payments, per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:75-1-9 Instructions to Staff (ITS).

(1) Making the decision to request or not request legal custody of the minor parent's child.  If a minor parent in custody requests voluntary placement of his or her child, the child welfare (CW) specialist considers the questions in (A) through (D) of this paragraph to assess the appropriateness of voluntary placement.

(A) Do safety, protection, and well-being concerns exist?

(B) Is there an available placement provider who will accept the minor parent and child?

(C) Does the placement provider agree to assist the minor parent by teaching and modeling parenting skills and assist the minor parent with independent living skills?

(D) Is the minor parent willing to work an Individualized Service Plan (ISP) that outlines the steps designed to assist the minor parent care for the child?

(2) Voluntary placement procedures.  When voluntary placement of the minor parent's child into voluntary foster care is determined appropriate, the CW specialist:

(A) sends a written request to the CW supervisor setting out the plan and length of care expected for the minor parent's child.  The CW supervisor approves or denies the request in writing and the CW specialist scans the documents into the KIDS document management system of the voluntary foster care case and files the documents in the paper case record;

(B) obtains the minor parent's signature on Form 04FC007E, Authorization from Parent or Guardian for Voluntary Foster Family Home Placement and Medical Care of Child, and provides the minor parent a copy;

(C) opens a voluntary foster care case in KIDS.  The minor parent in custody is designated the parent.  The placement episode for the child is entered in the voluntary foster care case, not the minor parent's permanency planning case; and

(D) develops an ISP that addresses:

(i) the child's safety and protection without court intervention;

(ii) the placement provider's role and responsibilities;

(iii) appropriate child care plans while the minor parent is attending school, working, or involved in extracurricular activities;

(iv) measures for ensuring the child's basic needs are met; and

(v) if Title IV-E prevention services are necessary, per OAC 340:75-1-9 ITS, 340:75-6-31340:75-6-40.1, and 340:75-6-92.  When Title IV-E prevention services are determined necessary, the CW specialist:

(I) makes a referral to Oklahoma Children's Services, per OAC 340:75-1-151;

(II) documents eligibility in the youth's prevention plan, Form 04KI005E, Child's Individualized Service Plan (ISP), per OAC 340:75-6-40.1 ITS; and

(III) continues to evaluate the child's safety and monitor service provision, per OAC 340:75-6-31 and 340:75-6-48.

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