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Legal Services under the Older Americans Act

The Legal Services Developer of Community Living, Aging and Protective Services (CAP) provides statewide leadership to enhance the quality and quantity of legal services to individuals 60 years of age or older in Oklahoma. The Legal Services Developer offers consultation, technical assistance, information and referral, and training on legal issues to older Oklahomans and those who assist and advocate for them.

Elder Abuse
End-of-life Healthcare Issues (Advance Directives, Durable Powers of Attorney, DNR’s)
Property and Estate Issues (Wills, Trusts, Durable Powers of Attorney, Joint Tenancy, POD’s, TOD’s)
Grandparents’ Raising Grandchildren
Legislative Advocacy

Legal services, under Title III-B of the Older Americans Act (OAA), are provided through grants to the states authorized by the OAA. Community Living, Aging and Protective Services (CAP) distributes and oversees grant money for the services.  Legal assistance protects older persons against challenges to their independence, choice, and financial security.

Aging Services contracts with 11 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) in Oklahoma to provide free legal services to older residents 60 years and older.

Area Agencies on Aging

In Oklahoma, legal services are provided to the AAAs through Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc.
These legal services are specifically targeted to “older individuals with economic or social needs.”
Legal assistance to older Oklahomans includes Advanced Directives, Powers of Attorneys, wills, debt, Social Security disability, eviction, consumer financial issues, estate planning, and grandparent issues, to name a few.    

Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma- 60+ Seniors
Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma- OK-SPLASH Senior Helpline

Contact Information

Barbara Gwinn
Legal Services Developer

Phone:  (405) 208-2048

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 53159
Oklahoma City, OK 73152

Forms are provided to assist in end of life planning. Consulting an attorney is the best way to ensure that a person’s end of life needs are being met; however, individuals 60 years old and older may contact the Legal Service Developer with questions.
To check availability of these forms in Spanish, Vietnamese, or other languages, please contact Barbara Gwinn.

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