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Frequently Asked Questions


The School Nutrition programs are Oklahoma Human Services-administered programs funded by the federal government. The programs reimburse schools and residential child care institutions for providing nutritional meals to children participating in a school food service program. Other assistance is provided to low-income families through free and reduced price meals to eligible children.



Private schools and residential child care institutions that have a 501(C)(3) nonprofit status granted by the Internal Revenue Service.

Private schools must be recognized by the Oklahoma Department of Education as part of the educational system or be accredited by an accreditation program approved by the Oklahoma Department of Education. Private schools can contact the Oklahoma Department of Education to ask about the requirements for recognition and accreditation.

Residential child care institutions must have a residential child care license issued by Oklahoma Human Services or other state government agency. For questions about residential licensing, please contact the Child Care Services at 1-844-834-8314.


Approved schools and residential child care institutions are eligible to participate in National School Lunch, School Breakfast, Special Milk, and the After School Snack Programs. Please note that specific requirements exist for each program.

Schools and residential child care institutions participating in each program can supplement current food service programs with federal assistance. The current reimbursement rates for meals servedcan be found here: 

When a high percentage of meals are served to low income students, schools and residential child care institutions may be eligible for additional assistance. The School Nutrition Programs Unit will determine eligibility based on the number of meals served in the second preceding year. Schools are also eligible for additional assistance in the Afterschool Snack Program when a 50 percent of the students are eligible for free and reduced price meals. Contact the School Nutrition Programs for additional information.

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