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The mission of the Employee Assistance Program is to empower state agencies and employees to build hope and resilience by educating and promoting positive mental health.

The Office of the Oklahoma Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a cooperative effort between employees and administration to help employees gain access to professional services in resolving personal problems. Our services are designed to be an “on-ramp” to other services. This means from the very start, the employee/family member is actively engaging in the next steps to identify coping strategies and needed resources for the employee or family member to move forward independently. This can either be by short-term services (5 visits or less) or linkage to resources, such as long term services outside our office.

There is no charge to the employee or family members for their assessment and referral services received from the EAP Office. The decision to accept help from the EAP is a decision that only the employee can make.

Schedule an Appointment

To learn more about the program, receive confidential assistance, or to set up an appointment with an EAP representative, please contact the Oklahoma Employee Assistance Program at 405-248-9007 or email


All state of Oklahoma employees and their immediate family members are eligible to participate in the Oklahoma EAP. Any employee or family member may contact the EAP Office at 405-248-9007 or through email at


The EAP Office provides short-term interventions and resource referral assistance to state employees and their families seeking help with challenges related to mental health and/or substance use, emotional, gambling, marital, family relations, financial, work-related issues, stress, grief/loss or other personal problems. EAP offers phone and telemedicine appointments. EAP can also find resources in your area which include treatment centers, therapists, food banks, etc..

In addition, the EAP Office seeks to empower state employees and their families to make healthy lifestyle changes by providing information and opportunities to learn, grow, enrich their lives and overcome barriers to success. We work with state agencies to create a positive and flexible environment for employees and leaders to ensure overall well-being. As such, education and training on an individual and organizational basis are offered on topics including mental health in the workplace.

Lastly, the EAP Office provides varying levels of Critical Incident Debriefing and Post-Vention efforts as a way to respond to and support agencies that experience traumatic events.


Participation in the Employee Assistance Program is voluntary. Employees or family members can call the EAP office at 405-248-9007 to schedule an intake appointment to sign up for services.


Individual services provided are kept in a strictly confidential manner. Only when an employee has authorized, in writing, the release of information to their supervisor will information be shared. Employee's contacts and discussions with the EAP Office are confidential and the right of an employee's privacy is protected by state and federal law.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • EAP does not provide legal counsel. If you are looking for legal assistance, please contact the Oklahoma Bar Association at 405-416-7000 or Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma @ 1-888-534-5243.
  • EAP does not provide monetary payments. EAP can, however, provide you with resources in your community that may help. You can also call the Heartline @ 2-1-1 for resources in your area.
  • EAP cannot intervene on disciplinary hearing or actions, this includes complaints and grievances. EAP can provide you with counseling to help cope with the stress of the actions but cannot give you specific instructions on how to handle the issue.
  • EAP can work with the agency's human resource department for a failed urinalysis and helping employees or family members get into substance abuse or mental health treatment centers.
  • EAP does not have a psychiatrist or medical doctor on staff. EAP can offer you a list of psychiatrists in your area but the employee would be responsible for payment for utilizing these services.
  • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline @ 988
  • HeartLine @ 2-1-1
  • If an employee or family member is in crisis please go to the nearest emergency room or crisis center. The staff member, employee, or family member can also call:
    • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline @ 988
    • HeartLine @ 2-1-1

EAP x Thrive provides life services to all state employees. From sports leagues to family fun days, employee support groups to counseling, EAP x Thrive strives to create an additional support system and resource network for all state employees.

EAP Programs

To participate, email us or call 405-248-9007.

Intro to EAP - Every 2nd Monday, our virtual Employee Assistance Program (EAP) meeting takes place via zoom at 11am. This meeting provides and overview of the various support services offered by EAP, including but not limited to counseling and resources in the community. Employees can join to learn about how to access this service and ask any questions they may have. This meetings aim is to ensure that all staff are aware of and can benefit from the services provided by EAP.

Want to Learn More about Thrive?

Case Management Referrals – EAP believes that a person’s sense of wellbeing involves both healthy minds and bodies.  There are lots of challenges that can get in the way of feeling mentally at our best.  EAP will work to improve state workers’ mental and emotional health by referring to resources that also support physical health and overall wellbeing. Because everyone’s needs and preferences are unique, it is important for us to be able to locate and connect resources that will be a good fit for each state employee’s personal wellness goals.  EAP utilizes a certified behavioral health case manager/PRSS to connect clients with resources in their community, health care providers that are in-network with state insurance plans, and the Thrive state employee wellness programs. 

Postvention - All organizations experience critical incidents that are highly stressful and can overwhelm an individual or agency’s normal coping mechanisms. A critical incident can occur either in the workplace or outside of the workplace and often produces significant adverse reactions for the affected employees. Critical incidents include events such as a death of an employee, resident, inmate, patient, client, or customer, a serious workplace injury, suicide, workplace violence, and natural disasters. EAP is available and able to provide postvention assistance to employees and agencies who are affected by critical incidents. In the after math of a critical incident, EAP staff and counselors will provide employees with needs assessment, referrals, short-term counseling, and follow-up services

Thrive Programs

Break Time - Research shows that working for extended times without breaks can lead to stress and exhaustion, which is why it is important to have “movement breaks” which refresh the mind, reboots the brain, and helps you become more creative.

“Break Time” occurs every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. These 15-minute sessions include desk stretches and relaxation breathing techniques. To participate email

Self-Care is Health Care

This is about simple, everyday activities that help you improve your physical and mental health, keeping you healthier, happier, and more in-tune with your life. The six-part series runs about 25 minutes in total.

Note to Self: Take Care of You

In this interactive course, we will discuss self-care and how it can help us both mentally and physically, why self-care is so important, stress and burnout, and the different types of self-care. The eight dimensions of wellness we’ll be discussing are: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social, Financial, Spiritual, Environmental and Professional. Resources for assistance with the eight dimensions of wellness are also included.

Are You OK?

Are You OK? is a two-part e-learning intended for adults who serve as organizational owners, managers, supervisors, human resources staff, and others to learn how to prevent and respond to suicide in the workplace.

Contact the EAP Team


Meet the EAP Team