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Family Support Providers

As of September 1, 2024, the Family Support Provider program will be integrated within the Peer Recovery Support program, and current Family Support Providers (FSPs) will now be named “Family Peers” (F-PRSS). This change will expand access to recovery support services to children and their families and allow Family Peers to be reimbursed at the level of current youth and adult PRSS providers. For additional information about the Chapter 53 rule change, please click here.

What is a Family Peer?

A Family Peer is an individual who has lived experience as a caregiver of a child, youth or young adult who has mental health or behavioral health challenges and is certified by ODMHSAS to offer family peer support services. Family Peers use their lived experience to ensure engagement and active participation of the family throughout the treatment process and assist family members in developing knowledge and skills to promote their family member's recovery.

The Benefits of Utilizing a Family Peer

Creating a sense of belonging and family connectedness: The inclusion of kin and extended family members in case planning expands placement and permanency options for children when in-home care is not feasible and can nurture children's sense of belonging during what is oftentimes a tumultuous, unsettling time. Some people who play an important role may be "fictive kin"—those who may not be related, but who have an emotionally significant relationship with the family or child. Improved quality of caseworker visits. The engagement of families through empathy, genuineness, and respect leads to quality, purposeful interactions between families and caseworkers. In turn, quality contacts provide opportunities for caseworkers to make an improved assessment of the child's safety, risk, and needs so they can better support the family (Capacity Building Center for States, 2017b). Youth empowerment. There are also tangible benefits to engaging youth. These include supporting adolescent brain development, encouraging development of leadership skills, improving self-esteem, and helping form critical social connections (Children's Bureau, 2019).

Family preservation: Involving family members early in the casework process may eliminate the need for a child to be placed outside of the home (Children's Bureau, 2019). Improved interpersonal relationships. A family's belief that all its members are respected—and that its strengths, challenges, concerns, and cultural differences are recognized and accepted— strengthens the relationship with the caseworker. This creates confidence in the process that increases the chances for a successful intervention (Horwitz & Marshall, 2015). Increased family buy-in. Families are more likely to commit to achieving goals when they help make decisions about a plan that will affect them and their children (Horwitz & Marshall, 2015).

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Family Support Providers positively impact their communities by:

  • Reducing parental stress, insecurity, and helplessness.
  • Improving motivational levels, patience, and tolerance.
  • Increasing sense of empowerment.
  • Decreasing isolation.
  • Decreasing (internalized) blame and increasing realization of importance of self-care for parents.
  • Increasing ability to take action (through gaining knowledge and learning how to take action).

Chapter 53 Rule Changes

Beginning September 1st, 2024, the Family Support Provider program will be integrated within the Peer Recovery Support program. We anticipate there will be questions regarding the rule change. Here are some answers to a few:

Family Peer FAQs

Family Peers can provide peer services to families of a child or adolescent experiencing a serious emotional disturbance and/or substance use disorder. Unlike FSP service requirements, there is not a requirement for the child or adolescent to meet level 3 or 4 based on CAR scores.

To become certified as an F-PRSS, applicants will need to attend the 4-day PRSS Core training. Requirements will not change for general Peer Recovery Support Specialists. Please visit the  Peer Recovery Support Specialist page for more information on how to become certified.

If you are a current Family Support Provider or “FSP”, you will automatically be moved into the role of F-PRSS. You should not experience a disruption in billing; however, to retain your certification:

Note: The Oklahoma Health Care Authority or CE may notify an agency about enrollment renewal. If this occurs, certification will need to be obtained as soon as possible.

If you do not complete these steps by August 31st, 2025, your certification will expire, and you will no longer be able to bill for F-PRSS services. It is strongly encouraged that you sign up for training as soon as possible in order to avoid a disruption in billing.

You will not need to attend the entire PRSS Core training again but will need to attend part of the new training for Family Peers. Contact for enrollment information

The new PRSS Core training will now include Family Peer content. The first 2.5 days will include training content for both general Peers and Family Peers. Family Peers will then separate from general Peers and focus on specific F-PRSS content.

Those who want dual certification will also separate from general PRSS Core and join the Family Peer track. They will receive a condensed version of PRSS Core remaining material. It is required that both Family Peers and general Peers share their lived experience during training.

Additionally, as of September 1, 2024:

  • There will be an exam for Family Peers (as well as general Peers)
  • Family Peers will need to obtain 12 CEUs per year for renewal: 3 Ethics, 9 General.
  • Family Peers will be able to use a billing code modifier that distinguishes Family Peer services from general PRSS services.

Not everyone who gets certified as a Family Peer will need to take Wraparound 101. If you are working with level 3 or 4 clients in Systems of Care, you will need to take Wraparound 101. Family Peers working in other environments will not need to take Wraparound 101. If you are unsure, ask your agency, or reach out to Gerri Mullendore at or Nancy Falcon at  


Service Description


Modifier 1




FFS Rate



Peer Recovery Support - Family







15 min


Peer Recovery Support - Family - Telehealth







15 min


Peer Recovery Support - Family - Group







 15 min


Peer Recovery Support - Family - Telephone







1 min


Peer Recovery Support - Family - Outpatient in an Inpatient Setting







15 min


Peer Recovery Support - Family - Outpatient in an Inpatient Setting - Telephone







1 min

Important notes: CCBHCs may use the first three codes only to shadow bill. Codes are subject to change. Please reference the latest version of the ODMHSAS Services Manual and/or the CCBHC Manual to ensure you have the most up to date information.

The fee will be the same for both F-PRSS and PRSS, $25.00.

You may reach out to, or Also, Family Peer support calls will now be merging with the Peer Recovery Support Specialist Support Calls that occur every 2nd and 3rd Friday of the month. An F-PRSS training specialist will be there to answer any questions you have or provide any support. To receive more information about these calls, you may reach out to Additionally, more information and support can be accessed by signing up for the Peer Portal: 

Oklahoma Peer Network:

For additional training opportunities, please contact

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