Oklahoma Unified Certification Program (UCP)
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
As per 49 CFR Part 26.81(b)(2), the Unified Certification Program (UCP) provides a one-stop-shop where disadvantaged businesses that meet the DBE certification requirements and become certified are eligible to be used to meet the DBE goal requirements on any project with funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation. These services and/or products are generally related to construction projects, transit services, Airport Concessionaire(AC), professional and consultant service contracts, funded wholly or in part by FHWA, FTA, or FAA. The UCP eliminates the need for multiple certifications with recipients of funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation.
The ODOT is the UCP for the State of Oklahoma. ODOT is the certifying agency and maintains all signed agreements and the list of Oklahoma UCP partners. All DOT recipients (UCP partners) in the State of Oklahoma agree that only DBE firms certified by the ODOT may participate.
DBE Supportive Services Program
The primary purpose of the DBE Supportive Services is to provide training, assistance and services to firms that are certified in the DBE program with the State of Oklahoma to facilitate the firm's development into viable, self-sufficient businesses capable of competing for and performing on, federally assisted highway projects.
As defined in 23 CFR part 230, Supportive Services means "those services and activities provided in connection with minority business enterprise programs which are designed to increase the total number of minority businesses active in the highway program and contribute to the growth and eventual self-sufficiency of individual minority businesses so that such businesses may achieve proficiency to compete on an equal basis, for federally aided contracts and subcontracts."
It is the policy of the FHWA to promote increased participation of DBEs on federally funded highway projects through the development and implementation of supportive services programs administered by the State transportation agency.
The DBE Supportive Services provides many types of technical assistance to DBEs. Many of these services are available to both certified DBEs and other non-DBE, transportation-related small businesses, free of charge. Please refer to the following links for further information regarding:
2022 Annual DBE, Contractors and Consultants Conference "Obstacles Are Opportunities"
2022 Breakout Session Power Point Slides
- DBE Certification
- After Certification
- Office of Mobility and Public Transit
- Government Contracting - PTAC Panel