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Holiday notice: OESC offices will be closed Monday, September 2 for Labor Day. Weekly benefit payments and automatic transfers may be delayed due to bank closures during the holiday.

New Hire Reporting

All newly hired employees must be reported to OESC within 20 days of a new employee's start date. Here you can report new hires and download the hiring forms you need.

New Hire Requirements

OESC is the designated state agency in Oklahoma to receive new hire reports.  Answers to your New Hire questions can be found below. 

New Hire reports are mandated by federal law to prevent fraud aimed to reduce overpayments to individuals receiving unemployment insurance benefits. Timely reporting of new hires directly benefits employers by reducing overpayments, disputes, and protests over fraudulent unemployment and workers' compensation payments.

Assisting and promoting the employment of at-risk and underserved workers is a priority for the OESC. We can help your organization receive benefits and breaks for employing these workers through Work Opportunity Tax Credits and Federal Bonding. We also assist those very same workers with Job Seeker benefits.

Finally, OESC supports the certification and sourcing of labor through our Agricultural Recruitment System as wells as H-2A and H-2B visas. 

Hiring Foreign Workers

Access information about H-2A and H2B visas and Migrant Seasonal Agricultural Workers.

Hiring At-Risk or Underserved Workers

Find benefits and tax breaks to support hiring those who have historically faced barriers to employment

If you have questions about new hire reporting, call the OKDHS - Oklahoma Employer Services Center Information Number 1-866-553-2368 or OKC Metro Area 405-325-9190 or via email to

Questions regarding income assignments or other matters relating to Child Support should be directed to the Department of Human Services, Child Support Enforcement Division, at PO Box 53552, Oklahoma City, OK 73152, or call 405-522-5050.

If your agency is paying wages to the individual, you must submit a New Hire report. The individual needs to be reported only once, except when there is a break in service from your agency and a new W-4 form is required. If your agency simply refers individuals for employment and does not pay salaries, New Hire reports are not necessary from you. However, the employer who actually hires and pays the individual, whether on a part-time of full-time basis, will be required to report the New Hire information.

Labor organizations and hiring halls must report their own employees, that is, individuals who work directly for the labor organizations or hiring hall. As with a temporary employment agency, if the labor organization or hiring hall simply refers individuals for employment, a New Hire report does not need to be filed.

New Hire Reporting is a process by which you, as an employer, report information on newly-hired employees to the OESC shortly after the date of hire. As an employer, you will play a key role in this important program by reporting all of your newly-hired employees to OESC. OESC will then report all New Hire Reporting information to the Oklahoma CSED.

All newly-hired employees must be reported to OESC within 20 days of being hired if you are reporting by mail or fax. Employers who report electronically must report at least twice monthly, within at least 20 days of being hired. Date started to work is defined as the first day services are performed by the employee for a wage.

CSED will match New Hire reports against their child support records to locate parents, establish an order, or enforce an existing order. Once these matches are done, Oklahoma will transmit the New Hire reports to the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH).

OESC may also use the State New Hire information to detect and prevent erroneous benefit payments. In addition, the Department of Human Services (DHS) can conduct matches between the New Hire database and other State programs to prevent unlawful or erroneous receipt of public assistance payments.

Employers are encouraged to report new hires by:

  1. Submitting reports by electronic media or
  2. Mailing or faxing a copy of the New Hire Reporting Form.

OESC and CSED request that all reports be sent electronically if possible. The easiest method for reporting is the direct Online data entry available for use by employers who have access to the Internet. Employers who have no Internet access may use their own computer payroll or accounting system to capture the required data needed for New Hire Reporting. The requirements for reporting electronically are specified in the Electronic Reporting Specification Document.

If you have no way to report electronically you may use the New Hire Reporting Form and Fax or mail the hand written form to the New Hire Center. If using the Fax or mail form, we suggest you complete one form with your Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), Oklahoma Employer Account Number, company name, payroll address and telephone number, and then make several photocopies of this form. This way, you only need to add employee specific information. We do not recommend using the W-4 because not all legally required data is included on the form.

It is estimated that over 30 percent of child support cases involve parents who do not live in the same state as their children. By matching this New Hire data with child support participant information at the national level, the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) will be able to assist CSED in locating parents who are living in another state. Upon receipt of New Hire information from other states, CSED will take the steps necessary to establish paternity, establish a child support order or enforce existing orders.

Each New Hire report must contain the following data elements:

  • Employee name, address and Social Security Number
  • Employer name, address, and Federal Employer Identification Number
  • Date Started to Work
  • State of Hire

The following items are also being requested to be reported to avoid future paperwork being sent to you:

  • Employer's Oklahoma Employer Account Number (Assigned by OESC)
  • Employee's Occupation and Salary
  • Employee's Date of Birth
  • Is Dependent Health Insurance Available?
  • Is this employee still employed with your company?
  • Recall (Rehire) Date

Yes. Because the employer/employee relationship existed and wages were earned, a New Hire report must be submitted. Even though the employment period was short, the reported information may be the key to locating the non-custodial parent. To report that someone has quit before the New Hire report is due, answer "NO" to the question "Is this person still employed with your company?".

These employees are reported by completing the same information as required for new hires. These are employees for whom a new W-4 is not required. Check "recalled" on the form to indicate this employee had previously worked for your company, was laid-off and then rehired or recalled. You should re-report these employees as "recalled" using the return-to-work-date after layoffs end. OESC will eventually be using this date to ensure recall credits for applicable employers.

The majority of the information you will be submitting is already being collected when a new employee completes a W-4 form. Although the reporting process is an additional requirement, the majority of employers currently participating in state-established reporting programs report either "no" or "minor" cost impacts to their operation. To ease the process, OESC and CSED are working closely with employers, offering a variety of reporting methods.

You or your personnel staff should complete the form, not the employee. If an accounting or payroll firm completes the form for you, the employer's name must be listed under the "employer" section. Payroll processing telephone number and address where income withholding notices and orders should be sent must be reported in the "Employer Information" section of the "Oklahoma New Hire Reporting Form (OES-112)".

Quarterly data is often out of date before CSED receives the information. There can be as much as a six month lag between the time when the data is submitted and when it is available to CSED. With New Hire reporting, the data will be available within a significantly shorter time period. Because the data will be more current, non-custodial parents can be located more quickly, allowing child support orders to be established and/or enforced more quickly.

Security and privacy of New Hire data are important issues for all those involved in the implementation of this nationwide program. Oklahoma law requires safeguarding confidential information. All data will be sent from Oklahoma to the National New Hire Directory over secure and dedicated lines. Federal law requires that the Secretary of DHHS establish and implement safeguards to protect the integrity and security of information in the NDNH and to restrict access to and use of the information to authorized persons and purposes.

A direct benefit to employers is the reduction and prevention of fraudulent unemployment and workers' compensation payments. Timely receipt of New Hire data allows OESC to cross-match this data against its active unemployment claimant (UIC) files--either stopping payments or recovering erroneous payments. For example, although only 20 percent of the State of Tennessee's employers are currently required to report, Tennessee has saved over $11.4 million in UIC benefits since 1981. With 100 percent of employers reporting, as required by PRWORA, Tennessee and Oklahoma should save significantly more in the future.

New Hire data may be submitted in a variety of ways:

  • OESC recommends that businesses that have access to the Internet use the convenient On-Line New Hire Reporting system. Data is entered directly into the system for each employee and may be entered at the employer's convenience by entering as many or as few records at a time as desired.

  • Businesses who currently have their own computerized personnel or accounting system in place, and who gather all of the required data for their employees, may wish to submit electronically. A data file layout is provided under New Hire Electronic Reporting Specifications. You may create your file using the provided layout and submit the file through our On-Line process, or copy to magnetic tape or diskette according to the instructions and mail to the address below.

  • Finally, businesses that have no internet access may wish to download our printed form to be filled in by hand and mailed or faxed to OESC. The blank form is available for printing in two formats. Information should be hand printed clearly and completely on each form in pen. FAX or mail to:

    Oklahoma New Hire Reporting Center
    PO Box 52003
    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73152-2004
    FAX: 405-557-5350

You must first make the determination of whether or not there is an existing employer/employee relationship. If the work being performed is based on a contract rather than an employer/employee relationship, under federal laws you are not required to report. In such a circumstance, the contractor is responsible for reporting his/her employees.

The employer's Payroll Processing Address is required. This should be the address where child support income withholding notices and orders should be sent to begin the income withholding process. An Optional Employer Address is requested when reporting electronically. The optional address reported should be the address where letters and other correspondence regarding the employee should be directed. It can be the same as your payroll processing address.

The "date started to work" is considered to be the first day services are performed for wages by an individual.

Federal legislation states that an "employer" for New Hire reporting purposes is the same as for federal income tax purposes (as defined by Section 3401(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) and includes any governmental entity or labor organization. At a minimum, in any case where an employer is required to give an individual a W-2 form, the employer must meet the New Hire reporting requirements.

Multistate employers have two reporting options:

  • Report newly hired employees to the State in which they are working, following the New Hire regulations and requirements of each State to which you will report, or
  • Select one State where you have employees working and report all New Hires to that State electronically or magnetically.

If you choose to report New Hire data on all employees to only one of the States in which you have a presence, you will be able to do so beginning October 1, 1997. To do this you must comply with the following:

  • Notify the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in writing, specifying which State you have designated as the recipient of all your New Hire information for your entire business. Mail the notification to:

    Department of Health and Human Services
    Multistate Employer Registration
    Office of Child Support Enforcement
    Box 509
    Randallstown, MD 21133

    Include at a minimum the employer's name and address. The following optional information would be helpful:

    • Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
    • Employer phone number
    • States in which your company does business
    • Estimated number of New Hires per year
    • Corporate point of contact for clarification of data
  • Transmit either magnetically or electronically all New Hire information in accordance with your designated State's requirements. You do not need to report the required elements from each State in which you have employees – only report what is required by the State you have selected for reporting purposes. Report your New Hire information twice a month, not less than 12 nor more than 16 days apart.

Please note, however, that if you choose to report to one State, the information may not be available to the employee's work State for purposes of detecting fraud in the unemployment insurance or workers' compensation programs.

The National Directory of New Hires will maintain a list of those multistate employers who have elected to use single-state notification. The designated reporting locations of those employers will be made available to all States so they can be aware of where their State's New Hires are being reported.

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