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HealthCode Healthy Living Challenges

Thrive has partnered with the non-profit organization, HealthCode, who provides quarterly global activity events during the months of January, April, July, and October. Their focus is physical activity, nutrition, environment, and community connections.

You can participate individually or as an agency, division, or department in a challenge.

All you need to do is set an individual goal or with Thrive’s help, you can set specific agency goals. Then measure your progress with the activity logger on HealthCode’s website, or you can use your own device like FitBit or MapMyFitness app which tracks your progress. A private personal profile page is set up for individuals and leaderboard is updated daily and you can click on “download event” and this will allow you to view details such as your and other agency participation.

October is National Walking Month and you can set a personal goal to complete 26.2 miles throughout the month of October.

Three levels to choose:

  • Regular marathon of 26.2 miles
  • Ultra-marathon of 50 miles
  • Ultra-ultra-marathon of 100 miles of running and/or walking.

Registration opens September 15th, 2024.
Free access: choose the Bronze Level when you register.

Triathlon in a Month is a summer challenge during the month of July. You are encouraged to change up your normal exercise routine and add a twist of adventure. The focus is on getting a variety of activity, especially outdoors, like hiking, swimming, or biking.

You can set your own goals in each area, just like in a triathlon.

Free access: choose the Bronze Level when you register.

April Million Mile Month 10th Anniversary Community Challenge

This challenge is contributing to a global community goal of logging over a million miles in the month of April 2024. Not only are you challenged individually but also it brings everyone together as a global community working toward a goal.

Free access: choose the Bronze Level when you register.

Last Modified on Aug 14, 2024