Empowering Citizens Through Transparent Governance
ODOL Rules & Regulations
Explore the current rules and regulations that govern the operations of the Oklahoma Department of Labor. These documents outline the standards and procedures that ensure fairness, safety, and efficiency in our services.
Proposed Amendments to Administrative Rules
Stay informed about upcoming changes to our administrative rules. Here, you’ll find links to notices of rulemaking intent, proposed amendments, and rule impact statements. Your input and engagement are vital as we refine these regulations.
Open Records Act
Transparency is a cornerstone of our government. Learn about your rights under the Oklahoma Open Records Act and how you can access public records. This section also outlines how we protect privacy while ensuring public access to government information.
Oklahoma State Constitution
The Oklahoma Constitution is the foundation of our state’s governance. Discover the history and significance of this living document, which has guided Oklahoma since its statehood in 1907.
Transparent Oklahoma Performance Website
Access the Transparent Oklahoma Performance website, a hub for performance metrics and data-driven insights into state operations. This resource allows you to explore how Oklahoma is using its resources to drive progress and accountability.
Public Disclosures (Agreements & Federal Funding)
In accordance with the Government Transparency Act of 2019, we provide detailed reports on all Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs), Memorandum Agreements, and the disclosure of federal funds received by the Oklahoma Department of Labor. Stay informed about how federal resources are allocated and used.
Storage & Sharing of Personally Identifiable Data
Understand how the Oklahoma Department of Labor handles personally identifiable data collected in the course of our duties. Learn about the security measures in place to protect your information and the conditions under which it may be disclosed.