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Terms and Definitions

Acquisition: Items, products, materials, supplies, services and equipment a state agency acquires by purchase, lease purchase, lease with option to purchase, or rental pursuant to the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act.

Addendum: A written modification to a contract.

Alteration: A modification an offeror makes to a solicitation response prior to the response due date.

Alternate or Alternative Offer: An offer, which contains an intentional substantive variation to a basic provision, specification, term or condition of the solicitation.

Amendment: A written change, addition, correction, or revision to a solicitation made by the state agency responsible for making the acquisition.

Bid: An offer in the form of a bid, proposal or quote an offeror submits in response to a solicitation.

Bidder: An individual or business entity that submits a bid or proposal in response to an invitation to bid or a request for proposal. When used in this Chapter, bidder is synonymous with a "supplier" , "vendor", or "offeror" responding to a solicitation.

Business Entity: Any individual, business, partnership, joint venture, corporation, S-corporation, limited liability corporation, limited liability partnership, limited liability limited partnership, sole proprietorship, joint stock company, consortium, or other legal entity recognized by statute.

COTS: Commercial off the Shelf.

Contract: The final agreement under which the services and/or products shall be governed.

Contractor: The Business Entity with whom the State enters into this contract.

Close of Business: 5:00PM Central Time

Closing Date: The date the RFP closes, also proposal opening date, and response due date.

Last Modified on Sep 28, 2023
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