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Modernizing Our Education and Workforce System

Investing in improving student achievement and educational outcomes; and aligning workforce training and postsecondary education opportunities to match available jobs to ensure businesses can hire qualified employees.

Metric Legend Guide

Abuse and Injury icon

Advanced Offerings

Program Description

Provide various course offerings to enrich academic opportunities for students. ​

Total FY 2023 Expenditures

Performance Metrics

Advanced Placement Coursework Offerings

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up


School offering AP

Advanced Placement Exam Scores

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up


Qualifying scores

STEM Summer Academies

Yellow Chevron pointed down indicating trending negatively down



Year-over-Year Expenditure Comparison

FY 2023 Expenditures by Agency

Abuse and Injury icon

College Preparedness

Program Description

Ensure students are academically prepared for higher learning.

Total FY 2023 Expenditures

Performance Metrics

ACT College Readiness Benchmarks

Yellow chevron pointed down indicating negative downward trend


Graduates meeting all ACT benchmarks

Concurrent Enrollment

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up


Hours reported by college freshman

Remedial Coursework

green chevron pointed down indicating trending positively down


Students enrolled

High School Postsecondary Opportunities

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up


Juniors and Seniors earning credit

Year-over-Year Expenditure Comparison

FY 2023 Expenditures by Agency

Abuse and Injury icon

Early Childhood Education

Program Description

Ensure children have the opportunity to develop the skills they need to learn throughout early childhood.

Total FY 2023 Expenditures

Performance Metrics

Head Start Enrollment

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up


Eligible three and four-year-olds

Public Pre-K Enrollment

Yellow Chevron pointed down indicating trending negatively down


Four-year-olds enrolled

Early Learning Services

Yellow Chevron pointed down indicating trending negatively down



Year-over-Year Expenditure Comparison

FY 2023 Expenditures by Agency

Abuse and Injury icon

Educator Quality

Program Description

Recruit, develop and retain high-quality teachers and educational leaders.

Total FY 2023 Expenditures

Performance Metrics

National Board Certification

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up


Teachers certified

Teachers Retained

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up



Emergency Teaching Certificates Issued

Yellow chevron pointed up indicating trending negatively up


Certificates issued

Year-over-Year Expenditure Comparison

FY 2023 Expenditures by Agency

Abuse and Injury icon

High School Completion

Program Description

Provide various course offerings to enrich academic opportunities for students. ​

Total FY 2023 Expenditures

Performance Metrics

High School Dropout Rate

Yellow chevron pointed up indicating trending negatively up


Of high school students

High School Graduation Rate

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up


Of high school students

Year-over-Year Expenditure Comparison

FY 2023 Expenditures by Agency

Abuse and Injury icon

Need-Based Aid

Program Description

Provide various course offerings to enrich academic opportunities for students. ​

Total FY 2023 Expenditures

Performance Metrics

AP Test Fee Assistance

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up


Eligible exams

Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant Award

Yellow Chevron pointed down indicating trending negatively down


Eligible enrollees

Oklahoma's Promise Scholarship

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up


Eligible awardees

Year-over-Year Expenditure Comparison

FY 2023 Expenditures by Agency

Abuse and Injury icon

Postsecondary Education

Program Description

Provide various course offerings to enrich academic opportunities for students. ​

Total FY 2023 Expenditures

Performance Metrics

Degrees and Certificates

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up


Degrees and Certificates

Regional Tier Graduation Rate

Yellow Chevron pointed down indicating trending negatively down


Graduation Rate

Research Tier Graduation Rate

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up


Graduation Rate

Two-Year Tier Graduation Rate

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up


Graduation Rate

Year-over-Year Expenditure Comparison

FY 2023 Expenditures by Agency

Abuse and Injury icon

School Excellence

Program Description

Develop and maintain high-performing schools conducive to learning.

Total FY 2023 Expenditures

Performance Metrics

Chronic Absenteeism

Yellow chevron pointed down indicating negative downward trend


Students not chronically absent

Academic Growth: English Language Arts

Yellow chevron pointed down indicating negative downward trend


Growth score (0-200)

Academic Growth: Mathematics

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up


Growth score (0-200)

School Bullying on Campus

green chevron pointed down indicating trending positively down


Grade 9-12 youths

*no Oklahoma School Report Cards due to COVID disruptions

Year-over-Year Expenditure Comparison

FY 2023 Expenditures by Agency

Abuse and Injury icon

Special Education

Program Description

Provide various course offerings to enrich academic opportunities for students. ​

Total FY 2023 Expenditures

Performance Metrics

Special Education Math Proficiency

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up


Proficient students

Special Education Reading Proficiency

Yellow Chevron pointed down indicating trending negatively down


Proficient students

Special Education Students in General Classroom

Yellow Chevron pointed down indicating trending negatively down



*no Oklahoma School Report Cards due to COVID disruptions

Year-over-Year Expenditure Comparison

FY 2023 Expenditures by Agency

Abuse and Injury icon

Student Performance

Program Description

Provide various course offerings to enrich academic opportunities for students. ​

Total FY 2023 Expenditures

Performance Metrics

4th Grade Math Proficiency

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up


Proficient students

4th Grade English Language Arts (ELA) Proficiency

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up


Proficient students

8th Grade Math Proficiency

Yellow Chevron pointed down indicating trending negatively down


Proficient students

8th Grade English Language Arts (ELA) Proficiency

Yellow Chevron pointed down indicating trending negatively down


Proficient students

*no Oklahoma School Report Cards due to COVID disruptions

Year-over-Year Expenditure Comparison

FY 2023 Expenditures by Agency

Abuse and Injury icon

Workforce Training

Program Description

Provide various course offerings to enrich academic opportunities for students. ​

Total FY 2023 Expenditures

Performance Metrics

Career Readiness Certifications

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up



CareerTech Industry Credentials

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up



Company Paid Training

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up



CareerTech Post-Graduation Placement

green chevron pointed up indicating trending positively up


Positive placement

Year-over-Year Expenditure Comparison

FY 2023 Expenditures by Agency

Last Modified on Apr 11, 2024
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