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Approved Software and Hardware

The state Chief Information Officer has statutory authority over all information technology and telecommunications acquisitions (as defined in the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act) of state executive agencies.  The Chief Information Officer has delegated approval authority for certain purchases to the agencies as authorized in 62 OS 34.11.1 and set forth in Procurement Information Memorandum: Delegation of Authority from CIO for Purchase of Certain Information Technology and Telecommunication Products.

The software and hardware listed have undergone a security review, an architecture review and a procurement approval before being added to the list. As technical solutions are identified to meet agency needs, this list will be updated.

The lists represent the software and hardware available for purchase pursuant to the delegation set forth in 62 O.S. 34.11.1.

If needed software and hardware is not included on the Approved Software and/or Approved Hardware list, it does not preclude the agency from acquiring the technology. The requesting agency simply needs to procure the software and/or hardware pursuant to the standard process as set forth in the Central Purchasing Act and State Finance Act.

*Please disregard previous versions of the approved hardware and software list.

To purchase any hardware or software follow your standard procurement process. Use ePro requisitions when applicable. View the Procurement Information Memorandum for more detailed information on purchasing limits.

The list below provides software names in an Excel spreadsheet that are available for use in the state’s infrastructure.

The software listed has undergone a security review, an architecture review and a procurement approval before being added to the list.

As technical solutions are identified to meet agency needs, this list will be updated. If you are requesting software not listed, submit a service request for review and approval at

Last Modified on May 30, 2024