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Multifactor Authentication

OMES is activating multifactor authentication (MFA) for Zscaler in a partnership with Microsoft to provide one MFA solution for multiple tools.

What and Why?

Zscaler is the virtual private network (VPN) login your computer uses to access the secure Oklahoma network. Adding MFA to Zscaler provides an extra layer of security for accessing critical state data.

Microsoft Authenticator will become the MFA solution for not just Zscaler, but Microsoft 365 and state computer access. Moving to one MFA solution for many tools helps simplify authentication.

How Do I Sign Up?

Any state employee who uses our VPN login software, Zscaler, to access data and applications will be impacted.

Screenshot of Microsoft Multifactor Authentication verification.
  1.  Log into your account at

  2. You may be prompted to verify your identity. If you haven’t seen it before, this is part of the new Microsoft MFA. Select one of the options available.
Screenshot of Security info Add sign-in method option.

3. Complete the authentication process and you should arrive at the Security info screen. It is possible you will be prompted multiple times to verify your identity. On the Security info screen, select Add sign-in method.


Screenshot of Add a method authenticator app.

4. Select the drop-down arrow and choose Authenticator app, then select Add.

Screenshot of Microsoft Authenticator app in app store.

5. If you don’t already have it, install the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone. You should be able to search for Microsoft Authenticator in your phone’s app store. Make sure it has a symbol that looks like the one on your screen. Select Next to continue.

Screenshot of Microsoft Authenticator account set up with next highlighted.

6. Follow the prompts on your screen to complete the Microsoft Authenticator app set up.

Screenshot of sign in with Microsoft with sign in button highlighted.
Screenshot of Microsoft sign in asking for email, phone, or Skype with next button highlighted.
Screenshot of scan QR code button highlighted.

7. Follow the prompts on your screen to complete the Microsoft Authenticator app set up.

Screenshot of Microsoft Authenticator sample QR code with next button highlighted.

8. Tap on Scan QR Code in the Microsoft Authenticator app (allow to use camera if prompted) and scan the QR code that is presented on your computer screen. See example below (your QR code should be different).

Screenshot of account added two-step verification with finish button highlighted.

9. You should see a screen on your phone like the one to the left.

10. Tap Finish on your phone screen and you should see your work account listed in the Authenticator app.

11. Select Next in the Microsoft Authenticator window on your computer screen.

12. You may experience a situation where the Microsoft Authenticator setup has timed out on your computer and you are prompted to scan another QR code. If you see your work account listed in the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone, you can disregard this and close the small Microsoft Authenticator window on your computer.

Screenshot of security info methods with default sign-in method listed as a phone number and the word change selected.

13. You should be back at the Security info window on your computer.

14. To change your default sign-in method from phone to Microsoft Authenticator, select the Change link next to Default sign-in method.

Screenshot of change default method asking which method you would like, and showing Microsoft Authenticator - notification selected.

15. Select the drop-down arrow on the Change default method screen and select Microsoft Authenticator – notification from the list. 

16. At this point, you should have successfully configured Microsoft Authenticator and set it as the default sign-in method.

Need help?

If you have any questions about setting up the Microsoft Authenticator app, please contact the OMES Service desk at or 405-521-2444.

Last Modified on Sep 28, 2023
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