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74 O.S. § 85.45j.1. Substitution of Certain Products - Prohibiting Purchasing Restrictions to Certain Geographical Areas

  1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law or agency rule to the contrary, any bid submissions received by a state agency or any political subdivision pursuant to authorized sole-source bidding procedures established by the provisions of Section 85.45j of this title, which substitute an item with one that is substantially equivalent in quality, performance and design or which meets the required specifications of the bid shall be considered, but only when the cost is less.

  2. In addition, no sole-source bid proposal shall require any limitation that materials must be supplied from a supplier within any specific geographical area. Geographic preference for suppliers inside the geographical boundaries may be given, but only when the cost is the same or less. 

Associated Attorney General Opinions

Regarding a sole source acquisition, a requisitioning agency has the authority to submit detailed specifications to the Purchasing Division and the Division is required to comply strictly with the specifications set out in the requisition.  See 74 O.S. §§85.45j and 85.45j.1.

Purchasing Reference Guide


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