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Fee Schedules

Fee Schedule Updates

Future fee schedule updates for services provided by HealthChoice network providers are scheduled for:

Annual Fee Schedule Releases Jan.1 April 1 July 1 Oct. 1
Anesthesia (ASA) Comp      
Bariatric Surgery - Inpatient Comp A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D
Bariatric Surgery - Outpatient Comp A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D
Dental (ADA) Comp A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D
Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Comp      
Endodontic Comp A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D
MS-DRG       Comp
MS-DRG LTCH       Comp
NDC Comp Comp Comp Comp
Outpatient (w/ ASC, ASC Implants, & Non-CMS Certified) Comp Comp Comp Comp
Outpatient Revenue Comp A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D
Preventive Services Comp A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D
Professional (CPT and HCPCS) A/C/D Comp A/C/D A/C/D
Select Inpatient (MS-DRG) A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D
Select Outpatient/ASC A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D

Comp – Comprehensive
A/C/D – Adds, changes, deletes and other necessary updates

As a reminder, national medical and dental associations may change, add, correct or delete billing codes throughout the year. When that occurs, EGID reviews the modifications as quickly as possible and makes any necessary updates. Additionally, EGID performs fee schedule updates on an ad hoc basis when necessary.

The EGID tiers were created in part to help support the continued existence and financial viability of truly rural hospitals. EGID’s tier designation process is intended to only recognize a rural reimbursement methodology if the urban or rural status is based on the ZIP code of the hospital and the status of that ZIP code in the U.S. Census Bureau’s metropolitan core-based statistical area.

Inpatient and outpatient tier designations and facility urban/rural designations are updated annually on Oct. 1. These designations are determined by the most current Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services fiscal year inpatient prospective payment system impact file or the facility's ZIP code, included in the U.S. Census Bureau's metropolitan core-based statistical area. On Jan. 1, the urban/rural indicators are updated based on the most recent CMS ZIP code to carrier locality file for all facilities that are not hospitals.

For the most part, the applicable urban tier status is based on the most current CMS fiscal year inpatient prospective payment system impact file for network providers, unless the ZIP code of its physical location is included in the U.S. Census Bureau’s metropolitan core-based statistical area.

Inpatient and outpatient tier designations are defined as:

  • Tier 1 – Network urban facilities with greater than 300 beds.
  • Tier 2 – All other urban and non-network facilities.
  • Tier 3 – Critical access hospitals, sole community hospitals, and Indian, military and VA facilities.
  • Tier 4 – All other network rural facilities.
  • Tier 6 – Outpatient rural emergency hospitals.

For purposes of reimbursement, EGID defines Professional Services as CPT codes 90785 to 99999. EGID to reimburse PA, APRN-CNP, CNM or CNS practitioners billing independently under their own NPI number within the scope of their practice at the physician fee schedule rate, except for Professional Services (90785-99999) which are calculated at 85% of the allowable.

Fee schedule updates are reported in each quarterly issue of the Network News. If you need specific codes and allowable fees affected by these updates, please view or download the latest fee schedule. The fee schedule has not been publicly disclosed and is deemed confidential pursuant to 51 O.S. and should not be disseminated, distributed or copied to persons not authorized to receive the information.

For more information, email EGID Network Management or call 405-717-8780 or toll-free 800-752-9475. TTY users call 711.

Last Modified on Mar 06, 2025
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