Legislative Compensation Board
O.S. Title 74, Section 291.2 - The Board on Legislative Compensation created by Section 21 of Article V of the Oklahoma Constitution shall meet on the third Tuesday of October in every odd-numbered year at 9 a.m. in the State Capitol Building, at which meeting the board shall review the compensation paid to members of the State Legislature and, if necessary, change the compensation. The board may, at the call of its chairman or upon a majority vote of its membership, hold such additional meetings as are necessary to carry out its official duties. Any change in legislative compensation shall be made by the board no later than the third Tuesday of November in said odd-numbered year.
Five members of the board shall constitute a quorum and a majority vote of such quorum shall be necessary for the board to act. The appointed members of said board shall serve terms which run concurrently with the terms of the respective appointing authorities and shall serve at their pleasure. The director of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services shall serve as secretary to the board. The board shall elect such other officers as they deem needed from their membership. No member of the board shall be a lobbyist as required to be registered pursuant to the Oklahoma Campaign Compliance and Ethical Standards Act.
- Members
- Meetings
- Archive
Dr. Nathan Carr, Chair
Robert P. DeNegri
Brian Jackson
Darryl Wooton
Scott Douglas
Robert M. Kane
Alan Jett
Brandon Long
Scott Mitchell
John Suter
OMES Executive Director, ex officio,
Mark Wood
Chair, Oklahoma Tax Commission,
ex officio, non-voting