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Purchase Order Procedures

Since April 1, 2020, Construction and Properties no longer maintains purchase orders for agencies. Agencies must create and manage purchase orders for construction projects internally.

Requisitions should be approved internally as they will no longer need to be processed or approved through CAP.

Please note the following procedures:

Agency solicits bids from a minimum of 3 contractors.  Award to lowest bidder and follow process on M800 - Procedures & Forms for Bidding Projects Under the Statutory Limit.


CAP Issues Notice to Proceed

  • Agency determines need for consultant.  
  • If necessary, acquire consultant either via CAP IDIQ program or consultant solicitation.  Consultant prepares project documents.


Work with CAP Project Manager to publicly bid project.

After award:

  • CAP prepares contract and sends to vendor, then agency for execution.
  • Agency will return to CAP the signed contract and signed PO for vendor.
  • CAP issues Notice to Proceed.

  • Agency contacts contractor in appropriate area for estimate.


If agency agrees with estimate and wants to move forward, submit:

Upon receipt of contract from consultant, agency should submit:

  • Agency notifies CAP director within ten days of emergency declaration.
  • CAP will acknowledge declaration and provide agency with a CAP project number.


Last Modified on Aug 01, 2024
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