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Rules & Statutes

Pursuant to the Public Building Construction and Planning Act, CAP awards and administers consultant and construction management contracts, as well as contracts for construction (61 O.S. §208). Note that consultants and construction managers are selected according to the provisions of 61 O.S. §60 - §65, and construction contracts are awarded following the provisions of the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 (61 O.S. §101-138). The term “consultant” includes architects, engineers and other recognized consultants that may be necessary to plan a construction project (61 O.S. §61). The term “construction” generally means the process of planning, acquiring, designing, building, equipping, altering, repairing, improving, maintaining, or demolishing any structure or appurtenance thereto including facilities, utilities, or other improvements to any real property (61 O.S. §202).

Last Modified on Aug 12, 2024
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