State Contract Structure
The information on this page is provided to assist state agencies in creating a solicitation using the most current state contract structure. There are also tools to assist state agencies with evaluations, fair and reasonable or other contracts exempt from competitive bidding. To access the documents, select the link provided.
Information for Agency Solicitations
Complete Bidder Instructions and a complete draft of your specifications in Attachment A. The non-negotiable terms in Attachment A should not be changed. Attachment B, State General Terms, should not be changed. Attachment C is for Agency-Specific terms that are in addition to and not in conflict with the general terms. Attachment D will be used for all IT solicitations and should not be changed. Attachment G is Federal Funding Terms that can be used if needed in addition to Agency-Specific terms if needed.
The Bidder Instructions and all attachments should be submitted with your eProcurement Requisition.
IT Solicitation ePro requisitions must have the ServiceNow email confirmation with the Project and IT Approval Initiation Request (PIR) Demand Number. More information about that can be found in the Required PeopleSoft Attachments PIM.