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2024 Fall Network News

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

In this issue...

Pre-payment audits of inpatient hospital claims

All inpatient hospital claims incurred on or after Jan. 1, 2025, which reach the outlier threshold, are subject to pre-payment audit. If the itemized bill is not attached, the claim will deny requesting the missing information. Documentation can be uploaded through the provider portal using the PCH tool.

If you have questions or issues with submitting documentation using the PCH tool, use the Contact Us option on the PCH website.

Claims questions should be directed to the Customer Care team at toll-free 800-323-4314.

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Pre-payment audits of claims with emergency department billing codes

The third-party administrator for HealthChoice will begin performing more extensive audits of facility claims filed with emergency department visit billing codes. If your claim is selected for an audit, it will be denied requesting medical records to ensure the records substantiate the level of care being billed.

If the medical records do not substantiate the level of care billed, the claim will be adjusted to reflect the appropriate lower level of care.

If you disagree with the adverse determination made during the audit, you may file an appeal and submit any additional documentation through the provider portal using the claim appeal submission option.

For questions, call the Customer Care team at 800-323-4314.

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Fee schedule additions for non-covered services in an emergency setting

On the Oct. 1 quarterly fee schedule updates, new columns have been added to the downloadable fee schedules to reflect allowable fees for non-covered services in an emergency setting. These columns are indicated on the fee schedules with columns ending in ER. These will not be available on the Search by Code function.

For more information, email EGID Network Management or call 405-717-8790, toll-free 844-804-2642.

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Timely filing and appeals

All original claim submissions must be filed within 180 days from the date of service. Corrected claim submissions must be filed within 180 days from the original processed date. Secondary and tertiary claim submissions must be filed within 180 days from the previous responsible carrier’s processed date.

Each HealthChoice contract contains timely filing provisions. Claims can be filed electronically with payer ID 71064, through the provider portal (you can upload a claim with PCH or manually key a claim with iEDI), or by mail.

Any certification request denied in whole or part can be appealed within 180 days from the date of the denial. Any claim denied in whole or part can be appealed within 180 days of the date of the original claim denial, as documented on each remittance advice. If you are eligible for a second-level review, it must be filed within 90 days from the date of the first-level response.

Initiate your appeal and upload documentation through the provider portal using the claim appeal submission option. If you need assistance, contact Customer Care at toll-free 800-323-4314.

For additional information, email EGID Network Management or call 405-717-8790 or toll-free 844-804-2642.

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Medical rehabilitation reimbursement

Our intent is to process inpatient medical rehabilitation (revenue codes 01x8) based on the Revenue fee schedule, using a per diem methodology. View reimbursement rates by logging in to the fee schedule portal.

For questions, email EGID Network Management or call toll-free 844-804-2642. TTY users call 711.

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Termination of inactive provider contracts

Oklahoma Senate Bill 442 requires all health plans to notify providers who have not filed a claim within 12 months. The health plan must terminate your contract unless you respond within 30 days indicating you wish to remain contracted.

Notices are emailed to providers from We will continue this process going forward, which includes any existing contracts with HealthChoice, DRS and DOC. This notice is sent annually to the contact person we currently have on file.

If you believe your contract was terminated in error, contact EGID Network Management. You must respond timely to any termination notices to avoid removal from network participation.

For questions, email EGID Network Management or call 405-717-8790 or toll-free 844-804-2642.

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Billing for DOC inmates

To be reimbursed for medical or dental services provided to DOC inmates, you must bill the Department of Corrections within 120 days of providing services and adhere to following the directions below.

You may file claims electronically with payer ID 71065, through the provider portal (you can upload a claim with PCH or you can manually key a claim with iEDI), or mail paper claims to DOC Claims, P.O. Box 30522, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0522.

  • Bill with group number 76415170.
  • Add the prefix 365000 to the DOC inmate ID number if it is 6 digits.
  • Add the prefix 36500 to the DOC inmate ID number if it is 7 digits.
  • Enter the updated prefix + digit DOC inmate ID number when making a DOC inquiry using the IVR system or provider portal.

The updated DOC inmate ID number, after adding the prefix, should always be 12 digits. To verify the DOC inmate ID number, visit

You cannot invoice or balance bill the inmate for reimbursement. Invoices received by DOC or the inmate will be disregarded. DOC claims are paid at 100% of the fee schedule allowable. You can view allowable amounts for DOC claims by logging into the DOC Fee Schedule.

For questions, call the Customer Care team at toll-free 800-323-3710. TTY users call 711.

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Change of address

Previously we notified you that EGID has transitioned to the Oklahoma Healthcare Authority. With that transition, EGID has moved physical locations and will be located at the Oklahoma Health Care Authority, 4345 N. Lincoln Blvd. Ste. 100, Oklahoma City, OK 73105.

The claims addresses for HealthChoice, Department of Corrections (DOC) and Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) and the appeals address for HealthChoice remain the same. The claims administrator has not changed.

Continue sending inquiries regarding provider contracts and applications, fee schedules, escalated matters as well as other provider issues to EGID Network Management or call 405-717-8790 or toll-free 844-804-2642.

EGID Network Management is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding state holidays.

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Certification requests

HealthChoice does not accept faxed certification requests. All certification requests must be entered through the provider portal. Responses and updates to certification requests are quicker and more efficient using the portal.

Search previously submitted cases to view the status, upload any necessary records, view the original submission or initiate a preservice appeal.

To initiate a request, navigate to the provider portal log-in page and select Get certification. You can also initiate a request once logged in by selecting Providers from the menu and then select the portal.

If you have questions or need assistance with the portal, call the Customer Care team at toll-free 800-323-4314.

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MS-DRG and MS-DRG LTCH Fee Schedules: Version 42 updates

The HealthChoice and Department of Corrections annual MS-DRG updates to acute inpatient reimbursement include updates to tier designations based on the number of beds and designated provider type as urban or rural as contained within the current year’s final IPPS file.


For charges incurred on or after Oct. 1, 2024, the following changes are effective for the HealthChoice and DOC MS-DRG Fee Schedules:

Tier 1 2 3 4
Base Rate $13,102.00 $12,172.00 $12,720.00 $10,824.00
Marginal Cost Factor 0.30 0.37 0.46 0.57
Threshold $227,345.00 $154,332.00 $124,380.00 $100,750.00

The market basket update factor is 3.4%.

The next comprehensive MS-DRG Fee Schedule update will be effective for charges incurred on or after Oct. 1, 2025.


For charges incurred on or after Oct. 1, 2024, the following changes are effective for the HealthChoice and DOC MS-DRG LTCH Fee Schedules:

  • Version 42 of the MS-DRG LTCH Fee Schedule has a base rate of $62,983.00. The outlier threshold is $77,048.00, while the cost-to-charge ratio is 0.225.

The next comprehensive MS-DRG LTCH Fee Schedule update will be effective for charges incurred on or after Oct. 1, 2025.

If you have any questions regarding these adjustments, email EGID Network Management or call 405-717-8790, toll-free 844-804-2642. TTY users call 711.

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Fee schedule updates

Future fee schedule updates for services by HealthChoice network providers are scheduled for:

Anesthesia (ASA) Comp      
Bariatric Surgery - Inpatient Comp A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D
Bariatric Surgery - Outpatient Comp A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D
Dental (ADA) Comp A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D
Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Comp      
Endodontic Comp A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D
MS-DRG       Comp
MS-DRG LTCH       Comp
NDC Comp Comp Comp Comp
Outpatient (w/ASC, ASC Implants, and Non-CMS Certified) Comp Comp Comp Comp
Outpatient Revenue Comp A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D
Preventive Services Comp A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D
Professional (CPT and HCPCS) A/C/D Comp A/C/D A/C/D
Select Inpatient (MS-DRG) A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D
Select Outpatient/ASC A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D A/C/D

*Comp =Comprehensive; A/C/D = Adds, changes, deletes and other necessary updates.

As a reminder, national medical and dental associations may change, add, correct or delete billing codes throughout the year. When that occurs, EGID reviews the modifications as quickly as possible and makes any necessary updates. Additionally, EGID performs fee schedule updates on an ad hoc basis when necessary.

The EGID tiers were created in part to help support the continued existence and financial viability of truly rural hospitals. EGID’s tier designation process is intended to only recognize a rural reimbursement methodology if the urban or rural status is based on the ZIP code of the hospital and the status of that ZIP code in the U.S. Census Bureau’s metropolitan core-based statistical area.

Inpatient and outpatient tier designations and facility urban/rural designations are updated annually on Oct. 1. These designations are determined by the most current Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services fiscal year inpatient prospective payment system impact file or the facility's ZIP code, included in the U.S. Census Bureau's metropolitan core-based statistical area. On Jan. 1, the urban/rural indicators are updated based on the most recent CMS ZIP code to carrier locality file for all facilities that are not hospitals.

For the most part, the applicable urban tier status is based on the most current CMS fiscal year inpatient prospective payment system impact file for network providers, unless the ZIP code of its physical location is included in the U.S. Census Bureau’s metropolitan core-based statistical area.

Inpatient and outpatient tier designations are defined as:

  • Tier 1 – Network urban facilities with greater than 300 beds.
  • Tier 2 – All other urban and non-network facilities.
  • Tier 3 – Critical access hospitals, sole community hospitals, and Indian, military and VA facilities.
  • Tier 4 – All other network rural facilities.
  • Tier 6 – Outpatient rural emergency hospitals.

Fee schedule updates are reported in each quarterly issue of the Network News. If you need specific codes and allowable fees affected by these updates, please view or download the latest fee schedule. The fee schedule has not been publicly disclosed and is deemed confidential pursuant to 51 O.S. and should not be disseminated, distributed or copied to persons not authorized to receive the information.

For more information, email EGID Network Management or call 405-717-8790 or toll-free 844-804-2642. TTY users call 711.

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HealthChoice contact information

Network Management
Toll-free 844-804-2642

Medical and Dental Claims, Eligibility, Benefits and Certifications
Toll-free 800-323-4314
TTY 711
Payer ID: 71064
Provider portal

New Claims, Correspondence and Medical Records
P.O. Box 30511
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0511

Optum Pay
Toll-free 877-620-6194
Optum Pay sign in

Pre-Service Appeals
P.O. Box 400046
San Antonio, TX 78229

Post-Service Appeals
P.O. Box 30546
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0546

Pharmacy Benefit Administrator: CVS/Caremark
Prior Authorization toll-free 800-294-5979
Customer Care toll-free 877-720-9375

SilverScript (Medicare Part D)
Prior Authorization toll-free 855-344-0930
Customer Care toll-free 866-275-5253


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Last Modified on Nov 05, 2024