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Child Abuse Hotline Card

Must Report?

Every person in Oklahoma who has reason to believe that a child under 18 has been abused or neglected or is in danger of being abused or neglected is required by law to promptly make a report. 

Failure to report child abuse is a misdemeanor offense. A person who reports suspected abuse in "good faith" is immune from criminal or civil liability.

To Report?

If you suspect abuse or neglect, call your local Department of Human Services or the Oklahoma Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-522-3511

If the child is in imminent danger, contact 911 or local law enforcement.

Interesting Facts

Stressed Parents in Public All parents can be challenged while out with their child in public, especially when the child is tired, hungry, confined, or bored. We can lessen parents stress by doing the following: 1. BE KIND and supportive. 2. CONNECT with the parent or child. "It's not ease, is it? I remember when my kids were that age." 3.ASSIST the parent by offering help. Examples include offering to read a book in a waiting room or providing an extra set of hands at the supermarket.

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