- School Nurse Orientation Manual
- Medication Administration Guide
- 2019 School Health Guidelines
- Guidelines supporting school nurses and school staff in providing care for and the management of health care needs of students.
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 - Care of the Circulatory System
- Chapter 2 - Care of the Endocrine System
- Chapter 3 - Care of the Gastrointestinal System
- Chapter 4 - Care of the Musculoskeletal System
- Chapter 5 - Care of the Neurological System
- Chapter 6 - Care of the Respiratory System
- Chapter 7 - Special Care Issues
- Chapter 8 - Care of the Urinary System
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
- Guidelines supporting school nurses and school staff in providing care for and the management of health care needs of students.
- The Good Health Handbook - English
- The Good Health Handbook - Spanish
- School-based Health Center Toolkit
School Health Program
The School Health Program provides leadership and coordination for preventive health and safety services to children and families through collaborative partnerships with other state agencies and organizations.
Target Population: Children ages 5-18, families & communities, schools & agencies that serve children.
School Health Programs
- Diabetes Guidelines
- Diabetes Needle Skills Check-Off List
- Diabetes Training SDE
- 2019 School Health Guideline Chapter 2 - Care of the Endocrine System
- The 2019 School Health Guidelines supporting school nurses and school staff in providing care for and the management of health care needs of student. For diabetes management, review Chapter 2 - Care of the Endocrine System of the health guidelines.
Contact Information
Megan Sylvester, BS Health Education- School Health Consultant
Phone: (405) 426-8106
- Foster and increase communication and resource sharing between state agencies
- Have healthy, educated students who become adults equipped with health-related skills, beliefs and practices conducive to a lifetime of learning, good health, productivity and economic success
- Address health education, risk reduction, prevention and treatment
- Establish partnerships – families, schools and communities
- Develop, implement and evaluate programs
- Create policies and regulations
- Train school health personnel
- Provide technical assistance and consultation
- Support community/school programs
- Report data on health status and develop solutions in community partnerships (Administer TOTS, 1st Grade, 5th Grade, and YRBS assessment tools)
- Assure quality improvement
- Provide for direct services as needed
- Mobilize community partnerships and action to solve local problems
- Improve school environments
- Establish school health standards
- Reduction of preventable diseases and injuries in children and families
- Healthier future generations in Oklahoma
- This link, by the National Institutes of Health, addresses weight management for teens and includes information on the food pyramid, serving sizes, and general nutrition. It also provides links to additional resources.
- Girls Health, sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services, provides general health information to girls ages nine to thirteen. There is also a link for girls on nutrition, eating correctly, body image and eating disorders.
- Best Bones Forever! - an interactive website for girls sponsored by the CDC.
- The Food and Nutrition Information Center, part of the USDA, offers Food and Nutrition Resources for Teachers. Teaching materials are available for loan and include food models, games, kids, videocassettes, and lesson plans.
- Fuel Up to Play 60, offers nutritional resources for educators, parents, and kids. Educators will find helpful curriculum resources and may sign-up for periodic updates through e-mail.
- Team Nutrition, sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture, provides resources specifically for schools.
- The Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH), a non-profit consumer education foundation whose mission is to be the catalyst for creating a healthier America through increased consumption of a variety of fruits and vegetables, has a health initiative, Fruits and Vegetables – More Matters™. This program builds on the momentum that 5 A Day created, taking it to the next level by encouraging families to eat more fruits and veggies at every eating occasion. Take advantage of the free downloadable activity, coloring, and recipe pages.
- SuperKids Nutrition Inc. offers nutritional resources to empower children, families, and communities to become more knowledgeable about nutrition and how to make healthy choices everyday. SuperKids Nutrition Inc. partners with nutrition experts to provide free downloadable nutrition guides, coloring sheets, and sample meal menus and recipes.
- 211
- 988
- American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance
- American Chiropractic Association
- American Dental Association
- American Diabetes Association
- American Heart Association
- American Lung Association
- American Nurses Association
- American School Health Association
- Certified Healthy Oklahoma Schools
- Council for Exceptional Children, Public Policy & Legislative Information EDLAW, Inc.
- Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC)
- Federation for Children with Special Needs
- The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- Menninger (Mental Health)
- Mental Health America
- Ms. Foundation for Women
- National Alliance on Mental Illness
- National Association of School Nurses
- NORD (Nat'l Organization for Rare Disorders)
- Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth (OCCY)
- Oklahoma Disability Law Center
- Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy
- Oklahoma Safe Kids Coalition
- Oklahoma State Department of Education
- OSDE Connect
- OSDE School Nurse
- Prevent Blindness America
- Red Cross CPR
- School Nurse
- The School Nurse Organization of Oklahoma
- U.S. Dept of Education, Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Creating Healthy Indoor Air Quality in Schools
- United States Environmental Protection Agency Lead Program
Contact Information
Gayle Black, BSN, RN
School Health Coordinator
Phone: (405) 426-8082
Megan Sylvester, BS
School Health Consultant
Phone: (405) 426-8106
Mailing Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Suite 1702
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-6406
Physical Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK
Phone: (405) 426-8085
Fax: (405) 900-7582