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Oklahoma State Board of Health

Oklahoma's public health authority rests with the Oklahoma State Department of Health, which is responsible for protecting and promoting the health of the citizens of Oklahoma by preventing disease and injury and assuring conditions by which Oklahomans can be healthy. The agency is currently governed by the Oklahoma State Board of Health created under the authority of Oklahoma Statute Title 63, Section 1-103. This nine-member Board is appointed by the Governor with Senate confirmation. Each Board member serves a nine-year term. Eight of the nine members represent specific county regions of the state and one member is appointed to represent the state at large.

During the 2018 legislative session, HB 3036 was adopted and signed into law that will make the Oklahoma State Board of Health an advisory board effective January 14, 2019. All duties and powers of the Board will be transferred to the Commissioner of Health. Any provision in statute that provides to the Board authority that is not advisory in nature shall be deemed to grant the duty or power to the Commissioner.


Leading Oklahoma to prosperity through health.


To protect and promote health, to prevent disease and injury and to cultivate conditions by which Oklahomans can thrive.


Service | Collaboration | Respect | Accountability

Office of Accountability Systems

In an effort to assure the highest standards of accountability are met within the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH), the Oklahoma State Board of Health (BOH) created the Office of Accountability Systems (OAS) pursuant to Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes, Section 1-105f (63 O.S. § 105f) to serve as an independent accountability risk management system within the OSDH. Its mission is to promote accountability and integrity in all OSDH programs by fostering and perpetuating an ethical culture throughout the Agency.

The OAS is statutorily tasked to receive and fairly investigate by established procedures, as appropriate, complaints or information concerning the possible existence of an activity within the OSDH constituting a violation of law, rules, regulations, mismanagement, gross waste of funds, abuse of authority or a substantial and specific danger to the public health and safety.

The Board of Health has established a process to submit complaints that fall within the authority and scope of the OAS as set forth in statute and policy.  To learn more about the Office of Accountability Systems or to submit a complaint please visit our website. You may contact the Office of Accountability Systems by phone at (405) 521-6355. If you have any questions, reach out to Angie Stewart at

Contact Information

Mailing Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Board of Health
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Suite 1702
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-6406

Physical Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK

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