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About Lead in Water

Lead in drinking water usually comes from water lines or household plumbing rather than lakes, wells or streams. Older homes are most at risk of having lead in water because it was common for lead pipes to be used up until the 1940's and lead solder continued to be used until 1986. Brass and chrome-plated faucets are another place where lead can be found.

Lead exposure impacts everyone but, pregnant women, infants and children under the age of six are most at risk.

Lead in Drinking Water: What You Should Know (National Drinking Water Alliance)

This page provides additional information on

Testing Water for Lead

The only way to be sure if your water is high in lead is to have it tested. Testing needs to be done by an Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) certified laboratory and includes a fee. Search for an Oklahoma accredited laboratory here.
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Safe Drinking Water

If you have not had your water tested by an Oklahoma DEQ certified laboratory, you can make sure that your family is protected from exposure to lead through drinking water. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides more information here.
If you have had your water tested and have found that it does have lead, you should use bottled water or a filtration system. See NSF International for a list of water filters that are certified to remove lead.
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Information for Parents and Pregnant Women

As parents, it is important to make sure that your children are consuming water that is safe and free of contaminants. For more information about lead poisoning and how to make sure that your child is drinking water that is safe, see the following resources.

• Oklahoma State Department of Health Lead in Drinking Water flyer  English    Spanish
Lead Poisoning (March of Dimes)
Lead in Tap Water & Household Plumbing: Parent FAQs (Healthy Children)
Is Your Drinking Water Safe? (Healthy Children)
Pregnant women are one of the populations that are most at risk from lead exposure because lead can pass from the mother to her unborn baby. More information from the Centers for Disease Control on how to prevent lead poisoning.
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Information for Homeowners

If you are a homeowner and have received notice of an exceedance from your community water supply, the following information is helpful for ways to reduce the lead in your drinking water

Information for Renters

If you are renting a property, you may not have received a notice of lead exceedance from your community water supply. For more information on what you should ask your building manager and landlord as well as ways to decrease lead in water, see the following resource.

Information for Healthcare Providers

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Information and Resources

More resources and information about lead in drinking water and to learn more about protecting your children from exposure to lead can be found through the EPA. The Safe Drinking Water Hotline is also available at (800) 426-4791.
Information on drinking water requirements for states and public water systems, see the Lead and Copper Rule.
A detailed summary and overview of the Lead and Copper Rule is available here.
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Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Information and Resources

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