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Harm Reduction

Harm reduction programs are community-based prevention programs that provide a range of health services, and life-saving resources to people who use drugs.

Comprehensive harm reduction programs offer patient vaccinations and testing for infectious disease, referrals to treatment for substance use disorder and other disease states (such as viral hepatitis and HIV), and access to sterile injection equipment to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases; however, in Oklahoma any organization that offers items such as hypodermic needles, cleaning kits, test kits and opioid antagonists are considered harm reduction programs.

Harm reduction treats people with compassion

More than 30 years’ worth of research demonstrates that harm reduction programs protect the public’s health. They save lives, helping those experiencing substance use disorder to get the support needed to regain a healthy life.

Harm reduction is also a philosophy that treats people who use substances with compassion and without judgment. This is done by meeting people where they are and recognizing any positive change.

Harm reduction meets people where they are

How to dispose of sharps safely on your own

Each year, U.S. households discard about 3 billion medical "sharps," including disposable needles, syringes and lancets. When trashed or flushed, they can injure or infect the public, hospitality workers and sanitation personnel. They also cost taxpayers millions of dollars in maintenance problems when they jam recycling and waste management equipment. 

Help safeguard your home and community by disposing of sharps responsibly; never put loose sharps in the trash, recycling or toilet. 

This image details the safe disposal of sharps.

Registered Harm Reduction Sites

Personal health strategies for people who use drugs

  • Use slow and use less. A little goes a long way with fentanyl (compared to heroin) and overdoses can occur quickly, sometimes before a person has finished injecting the dose.
  • Try snorting or smoking instead of injecting. Injecting carries the highest risk for overdose, so shifting to snorting or smoking may help reduce risk. A person can still overdose by smoking or snorting, especially with fentanyl, so start slow.
  • Space out doses. Take time between doses because fentanyl acts fast and is different for everyone, depending on dose and tolerance.
  • Practice extra caution when using alone. We’re safer together, but it’s not always possible to be with a friend you trust. Try to have someone you know check on you if you have to use alone so they can intervene in the event of an overdose.
  • In a group? Stagger your use. Make sure someone is always alert and that at least one person has naloxone on them.
  • Test it. Knowing what’s in drugs can help with the decision of how much and how best to use them.
  • Always carry naloxone. Be familiar with the signs of an overdose and be prepared to respond with naloxone.
  • Listen to your body. Overall health impacts overdose risk. Hydrate, eat, and rest as much as possible.

Handouts and Print Materials

External Resources

Contact Information

Mailing Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Sexual Health and Harm Reduction Services
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave, Ste 1702
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-6406

Physical Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Sexual Health and Harm Reduction Services
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK

Phone: (405) 426-8400

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