Factsheets, Infographics, and Reports
Recent factsheets, infographics, and reports for the following program areas are included on this page.
Archived publications not listed here are available upon request to MCHAssessment@health.ok.gov.
Factsheets suited for health professionals, community organizations, and the general public.
- African American Maternal and Child Health Data Review August 2019
- Fetal Mortality Brief 2022
- Breastfeeding Facts at a Glance: February 2020
- OSDH Breastfeeding Support Fact Sheet 2020
- Baby Birth Weight Statistics 2019
- Preparing for a Lifetime, It's Everyone's Responsibility 2019 Snapshot
- Infant Mortality 2018
- Severe Maternal Morbidity among Oklahoma Mothers 2024
- Severe Maternal Morbidity among American Indian Women in Oklahoma 2024
These resources are for youth and young adults ages 13-26, and offer free confidential helplines and other services.
YRBS documents from the 2019 and 2021 surveys are listed.
- Oklahoma YRBS 2023: Marijuana Use
- Oklahoma YRBS 2023: Sexual Behavior
- Oklahoma YRBS 2023: Vaping
- Oklahoma YRBS 2023: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs)
- Oklahoma YRBS 2021: Tobacco Use Infographic
- Oklahoma YRBS 2021: EVP Use Infographic
- Oklahoma YRBS 2021: Marijuana Use
- Oklahoma YRBS 2021: Did You Know? Marijuana Use (11x17)
- Oklahoma YRBS 2021: Did You Now? Marijuana Use (8x11)
- Oklahoma YRBS 2021: Did You Know? Marijuana Use (Rack)
- Oklahoma YRBS 2021: Nutrition Infographic
- Oklahoma YRBS 2021: Alcohol Use Infographic
- Oklahoma YRBS 2021: Bullying Infographic
- Oklahoma YRBS 2021: Mental Health Infographic
- Oklahoma YRBS 2021: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs)
- YRBS 2021 & Profiles 2020: Physical Activity and Education
- Oklahoma YRBS 2021 & Profiles 2020: Bullying Prevention
- Oklahoma YRBS 2021 & Profiles 2020: Nutrition
- Teen Sexual Activity in Oklahoma 2019: Don't Believe the Hype!
- Oklahoma YRBS 2009-2019: CAH Physical Activity Report
- Oklahoma YRBS 2019: Bullying Infographic
- Oklahoma YRBS 2019: Mental Health Infographic
- Oklahoma YRBS 2019: Unsafe Driving Behaviors
- Oklahoma YRBS 2019: Alcohol Use Infographic
- Oklahoma YRBS 2019: Sleep Health Infographic
- Oklahoma YRBS 2019: Nutrition Infographic
- Oklahoma YRBS 2019: Teen Dating Violence
- Oklahoma YRBS 2019 and 2018 School Health Profiles: Obesity Among Oklahoma Public High School Students
- Oklahoma YRBS 2019 and 2018 School Health Profiles: Sexual Health Among Oklahoma Public High School Students
- Oklahoma YRBS 2019 and 2018 School Health Profiles: Violence Among Oklahoma Public High School Students
PRAMS documents from the Phase 7 (2012-2015) and Phase 8 (2016-2022) Surveys are listed.
PRAMS Briefs are publications that provide a snapshot of a PRAMS topic.
- PRAMS Fact Sheet - Safe Sleep Practices Among American Indian Mothers
- PRAMS Infographic: Flu Vaccine Uptake Among Pregnant Mothers
- PRAMS Brief August 2023: Breastfeeding Among Mothers With Pre-Term and Term Births (2016-2019)
- PRAMS Infographic 2023: Electronic Cigarette Use before Pregnancy (2016-2019 data)
- PRAMS Brief February 2022: Profile of Oklahoma Mothers who Used Prescription Opioids During Pregnancy (2016-2019 data)
- PRAMS Brief December 2021: Social Support among Oklahoma Mothers (2016-2019 data)
- PRAMS Brief December 2020: Baby-Friendly® Hospital Practices and Breastfeeding Duration among First-Time Oklahoma Mothers (2016-2018 data)
- PRAMS Brief February 2019: Unpaid Maternity Leave among Oklahoma Mothers (2012-2015)
- PRAMS Brief August 2017: Preconception Wellness among Mothers with Medicaid (2012-2014 data)
- PRAMS Brief August 2017: Birth Control Practices among Oklahoma Teen Mothers (2012-2014 data)
- PRAMS Brief September 2016: Oral Health During Pregnancy (2012-2013 data)
- PRAMS Brief June 2016: Patterns of Postpartum Birth Control Use after an Unintended Pregnancy (2012 data)
- PRAMS Brief February 2016: Pre and Postnatal Stressors (2009-2011 PRAMS, 2011-2013 TOTS data)
- PRAMS Brief September 2015: Baby Friendly Hospital Practices in Oklahoma (2012 data)
TOTS documents from the Phase 5 (2011-2017) and Phase 6 (2018-current) Surveys are listed.
- TOTS Brief January 2024: Adverse and Positive Experiences Among Oklahoma Toddlers
- TOTS Brief May 2019: Household and Vehicle Smoking Rules (2012-2016 data)
- TOTS Brief March 2018: Toddler Nutrition and Physical Activity (2012-2015 data)
- TOTS Brief November 2016: Child Care Arrangements and Cost (2012-2014 data)
- TOTS Brief October 2016: Discrimination in Accessing Health Care (2011-2013 data)
- TOTS BRIEF September 2015: Residential Moving and Maternal Stress (2011-2013 data)
- TOTS BRIEF July 2014: Bedtime Routines for Toddlers in Oklahoma (2011-2012 data)
- TOTS BRIEF February 2014: Reasons for Delaying Immunizations (2011-2012 data)
- TOTS BRIEF December 2013: Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Homes and Vehicles (2011-2012 data)
- TOTS BRIEF March 2013: Car Seat Safety and Information (2011 data)
Reports suited for researchers and health professionals.
- Oklahoma Maternal Health, Morbidity and Mortality Annual Report 2024
- Maternal Mortality in Oklahoma, Annual Report 2023
- Maternal Mortality in Oklahoma, Annual Report 2022
- Maternal Mortality in Oklahoma, Annual Report 2021
- Maternal Mortality in Oklahoma, Annual Report 2020
- Oklahoma Infant Mortality Data - 2017 (Presentation)
- Cesarean Deliveries in Oklahoma 2011-2015
YRBS documents from the 2019 and 2021 surveys are listed.
- Oklahoma YRBS 2013-2023: 10-Year Trends
- Oklahoma YRBS 2011-2021: 10-Year Trends
- Oklahoma YRBS 2009-2019: 10-Year Trends
- Oklahoma YRBS 2019: Depression and Associated Risk Factors
- Oklahoma YRBS 2019: Short Sleep Duration and Associated Risk Factors
- Oklahoma YRBS 2019: Burden of E-Cigarette Use among Youth in Oklahoma (Presentation)
- Oklahoma YRBS 2019: Burden of Cigarette Smoking among Youth in Oklahoma (Presentation)
- Oklahoma Adolescent Sexual Health Report 2021
- Oklahoma Teen Birth Report 1996-2020
- Oklahoma Teen Birth Report 1995-2019
- Oklahoma Teen Birth Report 1994-2018
- Map – Teen Birth Rates by County: Oklahoma 2017-2019
- Map – Teen Birth Rates by County: Oklahoma 2016-2018
- Rapid Repeat Births among Oklahoma Teens August 2018
PRAMS documents from the Phase 7 (2012-2015) and Phase 8 (2016-2022) Surveys are listed.
PRAMSgrams are publications that take a higher-level, in-depth look at a PRAMS topic.
- PRAMS Report February 2023: Association of Pre-Pregnancy Health Conditions & Select Birth Outcomes among Oklahoma Mothers (2016-2019 data)
- PRAMSgram July 2022: Pre-Pregnancy Binge Drinking and Maternal Mental Health (2016-2019 data)
- PRAMSgram August 2021: Preconception Health Disparities and Birth Outcomes among Foreign-Born and Native-Born Hispanic Women in Oklahoma (2016-2018 data)
- PRAMSgram April 2018: Infant Safe Sleep Practices among Oklahoma American Indian Mothers (2012-2014 data)
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Maternal & Child Health Service
123 Robert S. Kerr. Ave., Suite 1702
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-6406
Email: MCHAssessment@health.ok.gov
Phone: (405) 426-8092
Physical Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK