Emergency Preparedness
Welcome to the Creek County Health Department Emergency Preparedness web page. We are dedicated to protecting the health of the residents of this community. Creek County Health Department has a critically important role in disaster preparedness and response that includes response planning, surveillance and early detection of communicable diseases, emergency communications, training, and education. We actively collaborate with local, regional, state, and federal agencies to prepare for and respond to incidents that could threaten your health. We are very committed to providing accurate and practical information about public health emergencies and welcome you to access any of the following information that you feel could be helpful.
Learn More About:
Citizen Preparedness
Pandemic Influenza Planning
Pandemic Influenza Plan
Creek County Healthcare Coalition
Creek County School Nurse Coalition
Emergency Volunteers
Creek County Branch of the Oklahoma Medical Reserve Corps
Resource Links:
Guide addressing age and developmentally appropriate tips on how to communicate with children in all situations of crisis, trauma and tragedy.
For further information on Emergency Preparedness please contact:

Richard Forbes
Emergency Response/Safety Director
Creek County Health Department
Phone: (918) 358-2546
E-mail: richardf@health.ok.gov
Kristie Harris
Public Information Officer/Volunteer Coordinator
Creek County Health Department
Phone: (918) 224-5531
E-mail: kristieh@health.ok.gov
All information is general in nature and is not intended to be used as a substitute for appropriate professional advice. For more information please call (918) 224-5531. Mailing address: ATTN: Emergency Preparedness, Creek County Healthcare Coalition, 1808 S. Hickory, Sapulpa, OK 74066 or e-mail us. Because of confidentiality concerns, questions regarding client health issues cannot be responded to by e-mail.