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Minutes & Agendas

Oklahoma Genetics Advisory Council (OGAC) meetings will be held three times a year on the third Thursday of January, May and September, time 1:30 to 3:30. For more information, please contact the Genetics Program.

May 19, 2011 ¦ Agenda ¦ Minutes ¦
Youth Activities Center - 1011 E. 4th - Tulsa

January 20, 2011 ¦ Meeting Cancelled ¦
Oklahoma State Department of Health - 1000 NE 10th Street, Room 806 - Oklahoma City

September 16, 2010 ¦ Agenda ¦ Minutes ¦
Oklahoma State Department of Health - 1000 NE 10th Street, Room 806 - Oklahoma City

May 20, 2010 ¦ Agenda ¦ Minutes ¦
Youth Activities Center - 1011 E. 4th - Tulsa 

January 21, 2010 ¦ Agenda ¦ Minutes ¦
Oklahoma State Department of Health - 1000 NE 10th Street, Room 806 - Oklahoma City

October 15, 2009 ¦ Agenda ¦ Minutes ¦
Oklahoma State Department of Health - 1000 NE 10th Street, Room 806 - Oklahoma City

May 21, 2009 ¦ Agenda ¦ Minutes ¦
Youth Activities Center - 1011 E. 4th - Tulsa 

January 15, 2009 ¦ Agenda ¦ Minutes ¦
Oklahoma State Department of Health - 1000 NE 10th Street, Room 806 - Oklahoma City

September 18, 2008 ¦ Agenda ¦ Minutes ¦
Oklahoma State Department of Health - 1000 NE 10th Street, Room 806 - Oklahoma City

May 15, 2008 ¦ Agenda ¦ Minutes ¦
Youth Activities Center - 1011 E. 4th - Tulsa 

January 17, 2008 ¦ Agenda ¦ Minutes ¦
Oklahoma State Department of Health - 1000 NE 10th Street, Room 806 - Oklahoma City

September 20, 2007 ¦ Agenda ¦ Minutes ¦
Oklahoma State Department of Health - 1000 NE 10th Street, Room 806 - Oklahoma City

Please email Sharon Vaz, Director of Genetics and Newborn Screening and Sate Genetics Coordinator for copies of agendas and minutes prior to those listed above.

Contact Information

Oklahoma State Department of Health
1000 NE 10th St
Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1207

(800) 766-2223 toll free
(405) 271-6617 phone
(405) 271-4892 fax

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