Go NAPSACC (Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care) is a free online tool to assist Oklahoma childcare providers with coordinating evidence based best practices to promote wellness. All child care programs will be able to cultivate healthy habits among children in their daily activities.
- Develop action plans, assessments, and policies to promote the best practices to become quality care child programs.
- Providers will have access to an Early Childhood Education Consultant, library of tip, materials, and resources to help Oklahomans reduce childhood obesity.
- Over six hours of professional development hours approved by CECPD
- Oklahoma’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) additional professional development and program criteria option for 4 -and- 5 Star child care programs
- Recognition of being part of Oklahoma’s State Obesity Plan
- Connect with the Coalition of Oklahoma Breastfeeding Advocates and their resources to become a Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Provider.
Reference: Oklahoma Administrative Code Title 340 - Department of Human Services, Chapter 110 - Licensing Services Subchapter 1 - General Provisions Part 1 – Licensing-Child Care Section 340:110-1-8
Eligible programs
- Child Care Centers
- Part-Day Program
- Out-of-School-Time Programs
- Summer Day Camp
- Head Start (Tribal or Other)
- Early Head Start
- Family Child Care Home: (Small: 1-7; Large: 8-12 children)
How to apply?
Fill out the registration form by clicking the link below:
Please email: OKGoNAPSACC@health.ok.gov