- Pregnancy Planning
- Birth Control
Perinatal and Reproductive Health

The Perinatal and Reproductive Health Division develops and promotes best health practices for women's and men's reproductive health and the health of babies.
Articles, Reports and Resources
- Preparing for a Lifetime, It's Everyone's Responsibility. Learn what you can do to help ensure the health and safety of Oklahoma's babies.
- Find a Family Planning Clinic - type in a ZIP CODE to find the nearest family planning clinic.
- Oklahoma Family Network Family-to-Family Health Information Center informs and connects individuals with special health care needs to services and supports in their communities.
- Nutrition and Family Planning
- Prescription for a Healthy Future fact sheet
Contact Information
Jill Nobles-Botkin, APRN-CNM
Administrative Program Manager
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Perinatal and Reproductive Health Division
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave, Suite 1702
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-6406
Phone: (405) 426-8111